Chapter 1- Not a Mall girl

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"Oohh. Tarezmina, aren't those earrings just adorable? I swear I'm going to die without them! I wish I had the cash to get them." Angel screeched.

Cash for a pair of earrings? I would have the mama of all stomach aches when I got home. But it wouldn't be the worst thing I've given. I'd cured my sister of cancer before.

Smiling, I reaching into my pocket and pulled the money out. "Not letting you die on my watch." Now that would be really painful to fix. I would be completely lost without my noisy bubbly best friend Angel.

"Ahhh, thank you so much! You're the best." Angel had learned a long time ago to not question my "superpowers". Meaning, how I got her everything she wanted at the mall. Or why I never wanted to go with her. She had to literally drag me off.

"Tarezmina, if you say your always like to see me happy at the mall, why do I always have to drag you by the ear to get you to come along?" I rolled my eyes. "Just because I like seeing you happy doesn't mean that I like watching you meet up with-"

"Alex!" Angel interupted my explanation by screaming her boyfriend's name and stampeding at him buffalo style. I raised my eyebrows and added "I'm gonna go" to my interrupted tirade. A thumbs up shot from the tangle that was Angel and Alex.

As I turned to go, I noticed two things, one, the manicure I'd gotton with Angel was chipped and two, the pain was already starting to rear up. I hoped I could make it home. A mall day? Tarezmina out.

Hi everyone! This is my first published story on Wattpad. I will probably start off publishing short chapters and just try to be as consistent as possible. Hope you enjoy!


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