Chapter 4

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Jungkook smirked and said "If you want but I'm afraid you're gonna have to get past me first. "

The other smirked and lunged his knife towards jungkook.

Jungkook dodged it and looked at the other and smirked.  He pretended to punch him,  but actually high kicked him in the face.  The other was completely shocked as to why he was fooled easily.  He lunged at him again,  only jungkook grabbed his arm,  picked and dropped him.

The others were staring at the member that was on the floor Jungkook looked at him and took out his knife.  This is until another member of Taehyung came at jungkook with his knife. 

Jungkook dodged it and back kicked that member.  The one who charged at him fell down next to the one already in the floor.

Jungkook smirked in victory and told the others "Noe get the fuck out of NY sight. "

The others hurried towards the bones who were not be floor.  The one who he assumed was the leader glared at him and said "You won't get away with this. "

"Taehyung lets go"

Taehyung glared at jungkook and walked towards the car.

Jungkook watched the car drive away.

"Yah jungkook your growing up!" said SeungRi

"I can't wait to see the kook on your father's face when we tell him. "

Jungkook just smiled and nodded.

Taehyung pov

"wow Tae you gave up that easily?".
Said yoongi.

Taehyung was holding a rag towards his face.  He glared at yoongi and told him to shut up.
"JB what the hell is wrong with you!? You're lucky it was just him and not one of his members!" yelled Jackson.
JB had been the one to charge at jungkook but all he got was a kick in the ass.

JB groaned and said "He had a knife. "

"it doesn't matter!" Jackson shot back.

Silence filled the car.

Yugyeom decided to break the silence "But you can't lie,  he was really handsome. " he said.

JB looked at him and said "Can't argue with that. "

Yoongi rolled his eyes and nooded.

Taehyung kept silent for he couldn't get Byun Jungkook out if his mind.

"I wonder when we will meet again. " he thought.

Jungkook pov

"they what?! And you what?!" yelled Baekhyun,  obviously surprised that BTS had attacked his son,  but jungkook had given them a lesson.

Baekhyun hugged his son tightly while congratulating him.

His other members congratulated him as well.

After all the congratulating Jungkook went up to his room to have some privacy. While acting on his bed he kept thinking of the guy he dropped.

So taehyung it is, he's not that interesting.  He thought.

And pushing those thought away he went to sleep.

Taehyung pov

Namjoon was glaring at the group in front of him/"So you're telling me that a 18 year old whooped your fucking old asses??"" yelled RM.

Yugyeom spoke up "to correct you sir,  he kicked Taes and Jbs ass not ours. "

Tae and JB glared at him.

Namjoon Shook his head and asked them to leave.

Once they were out Taehyung went straight to his bedroom and lay down on the bed.

He tried to keep the image of the handsome Jungkook out of his head.

Byun Jungkook
He kept thinking

"Fuck!" Taehyung yelled.
He was too tired to do anything about it and went to sleep with jungkook in his head.

Sorry guys too busy with school.  But I will keep up loading chapters so stay tuned. 


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