Chapter 15

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jungkook stood next to a panting Taehyung.

"Did you see their faces?" he asked.

Taehyung shook his head. He had his hands on his knees, he was trying to see if he could see their faces, but no such luck.

jungkook stood behind him and rubbed his back.
"It's okay, we will figure it out somehow. "

taehyung looked at him "What the hell are you saying?? They could be our enemies for all we know and they probably have a fucking picture or video of us together! How does that mean it's okay!??" he yelled at him.

His eyes widened realizing something. He had just yelled at his boyfriend.

jungkook just looked at him with a glare.
"Okay Mr. pissy pants, well for your information I wasn't the fucking slow one running after them, I wanted to see if you are the really great son of BTS, and if not I could have run after them and had them on the floor groaning in pain while your slow ass is way far behind, and you say about yourself "Oh I'm BTS leaders son. " oh my god well guess what I dont see no damn leader in you, so I guess you should go back down and not yell at me because I AM Exos son! You fucking prick. next time you yell at me I swear to fucking god I will not hesitate go cut your little dick off and feed it to my pit bull!! he yelled back at him.

Taehyung just stared shocked at what his boyfriend said to him.
they haven't dated for 10 minutes and they were already arguing.

"I'm sorry!" he said

"Well don't fucking yell at me saying sorry. Kiss me you bitch!" jungkook yelled back.

He grabbed taehyung by his neck and smashed their lips together.

Once he decided it was enough kissing, cause taehyung had yelled at him. He pulled away. he than hugged tae.

"I'm sorry, I was just mad cause you yelled at me. "

Taehyung sighed and hugged back as well.
"It's okay, people make mistakes. and you're right we'll figure this out. Together?" he asked.

Jungkook smiled and said "Together."

Back at Exo residence... Well mostly behind a bush in jungkooks backyard. Sksssjsjsj

"Tae! Your stepping on my foot you bitch!" jungkook said.

Taehyung looked down an indeed he was, he got off of his foot because he didn't want to get yelled at anymore.

They both stood crouching behind a bush. There was jungkooks member the one and only Sehun.

And what was he doing in the backyard?? Smoking.

Jungkook groaned and smacked his forehead silently.
"I forgot about hyung. He always come out here. Ah shit. What time is it??" He asked turning back to look at tae. Only thing was Tae wasn't there anymore.
Jungkook rolled his eyes and looked back at Sehun.

He looked around and saw another figure sneaking past Sehun. That figure was no other than Kim Taehyung.

Oh great he's gonna get his dumbass killed. Sehun hyung can't be fooled that easily.... He once threatened to kick out my baby pit bull*pout* jungkook thought.

Jungkook pouted at the memory but decided to concentrate on his stupid boyfriend and his hyung.

He looked around him and saw a stick nearby. He smirked in victory, he was reaching towards it when a foot stepped on it. Jungkooks blood ran cold. Sweat was starting to form on his forehead. He didn't want to look up, but who was he?? Byun Jungkook.

He than decided to gather the courage and look up.
He saw the one and only Sehun.

Sehun was looking down at jungkook with a glare.

Jungkook gulped because he promised not to sneak out again for the sake of his baby pitbull.

Sehun was looking hard at jungkook.
"Jungkook ah" he said with an angry voice.
"What have I told you? I said I was going to fucking throw out your pitbull, if you came back out here in the middle of the night. It's early morning. " he continued with a voice that jungkook new.

Jungkook gulped even harder.
He retracted his hand from grabbing the stick. He stood up and slowly patted the dirt away from his tight pants.
He looked at Sehun and suddenly threw his arms around him and legs around his waist and yelled out "Im sorry hyung! I couldn't sleep I wanted to be out here with a baby bunny I saw yesterday, because I thought it would help me sleep! I'm sorry please don't throw out my baby pitbull! I'll be good I promise!" jungkook said.

He kept his face hidden in the crook of Sehuns neck. It was silent for a few seconds when sehun said" it's alright. Just quit coming out here in the dark. It's dangerous! By the way that crop top look nice on ya kid and them pants, too bad you were sitting on the dirt. "
He wrapped his arms around jungkook and headed back to the
back door.

Jungkook put his head on his Hyungs shoulder who was carrying him and saw Taehyung not too far away.
He smiled and silently blew a kiss towards him.
Taehyung smiled and blew a kiss right back before disappearing in the darkness.

..... So... What's New??
860 words.
By the way I changed the cover... You like it???

Made by June_Planet

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