Chapter 25

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Before you read this chapter. Do me a HUGE favor.
Can you follow me on instagram my user is: toplesshsk
Thank youuuuu.
By the way.. I think I did some not really smut but like you know.... Yea just nvm.
Jungkook and Taehyung were shocked with what they read.
Jungkook especially.

Super Junior and their Shinwha?

"Wait but didn't Shinwha and exo separate?" asked Kai.

Jungkook nodded.
"They were stealing from us, we had to break the alliance. "

Taehyung nodded "But what does our Super Junior have to do with this?"

Jungkook shrugged.
"What if they had an alliance but decided to keep their mouths shut?"

Taehyung thought for a bit.
"That's crazy they're very good friends with my father. "

Jungkook kept thinking.
"You never know they may hide their real selves. "

Taehyung looked over at him.
"Like you? You're the one hiding your real self form everyone else. Why compare yourself to My group?"
He said.

Jungkook glared "I was just saying, what happened to me is none of your business. I was just trying to make some fucking conclusions but if you're here to compare me with them then there's the door you may walk out and get shot by my group. "
He said.

Taehyung glared back.
Jungkook scoffed and said "Now I don't know why you're here but your wasting your time and like k told you I'm ending things with y-"
He was cut off by taehyung who pushed him back against the bed and was some top of him.
Jungkook didn't like it at all.

"You're breaking up with me? Fine but before I leave I shall leave you with love bites on your neck so that you regret what you did today. " he said glaring down at jungkook.

Jungkook struggled against his hold. His legs were the only ones free.
Taehyung hooked his mouth against jungkooks neck and sucked.

Jungkook struggled, he tried keeping his moans in when he accidentally let one out.
Taehyung was satisfied and wanted to hear more.
He lied.
He wasn't going to Let jungkook break up with him like that.

Jungkook continued moaning when he suddenly remembered he needed to get out of his hold.
He did the first thing that came to mind.
Kick Taehyung on his dick.
He kicked with so much force that Taehyung bit jungkooks neck in pain.
Jungkook screamed in pain.
Taehyung unlatched himself form jungkook and rolled over the kept a hold of his throbbing member.
Jungkook was holding onto his neck where Taehyung had just bitten him.

Taehyung groaned in pain. While jungkook hissed in pain.
"You bitch! You fucking bit me!"he hissed at taehyung

Taehyung grinned through the pain and said "You know I wouldn't have dome that if you hadn't kicked my dick. How am I supposed to get you pregnant now?"

Jungkook stopped his actions and grew flustered.
Kids with Taehyung?

He was blushing at the thought.

He shook his head. No he had to keep his ground.
He scoffed and said "I'd prefer having them with Mingyu thank you very much. "

Taehyung let go of his dick and jumped once again on jungkook "Listen here brat I am the only one you should let in. I love you.never say you want to have kids with another guy that isn't me. Or else I'll fuck you here and make you pregnant. " he hissed.

Jungkooks eyes widened.
"You got that?"
Jungkook nodded furiously.
Taehyung grinned and said "Good because I'll kiss you anyway.

He latched their lips together and started kissing. Soon the kiss started to get a little heated as Taehyung moved his hands under jungkooks shirt.
Jungkook couldn't resist it. He loved the way Taehyungs hand felt on him.
He moaned at the thought.
Taehyung started to press down rubbing his member on too of jungkooks causing him to moan as well as jungkook.

Jungkook was about to unbuckle Taehyungs pants when the doorknob started moving.
They stopped their movements. Taehyung scrambled off jungkook and hid in his closet.
Jungkook fixed his shirt and his hair before opening the door.
Outside stood a mysterious guy.
He stuck his hand out and said
"Jungkook? My names Marco. I don't think your father told you about us. May I come in?"

Jungkook looked at him and saw how his smile reached his eyes.
Jungkook nodded. He let him in.
Marco sat on a chair near jungkooks desk.

"your father contracted me. From a close friend of his. You don't know him so don't ask me who he is. Now, I need to ask you something. " he looked at jungkook who sat on another chair across form him and listened.
"Do you ever feel like someone in your group is betraying you?" he asked.
Jungkook thought for a bit.
He didn't know if he should trust this guy or not.
"You can trust me. I've also had to deal with traitors form my former groups. " marco said.

Jungkook hesitated he looked over at the closet taehyung was hiding in and turned back to look at Marco.
"I don't know. Shinwha used to be our alliance but we caught them stealing our money from us. We ended it and they promised to ruin our lives. I think they have one of us in here working with them. "

Marco listened and nodded.
"I have another question. It's about Kai. "
He said.

Jungkook stiffened. He didn't want to talk about him. Not now.
"I know you dont want to talk about him. But do you know who killed him?" he asked.
Jungkook looked down.
He shook his head.
"I dont know, my father said it was BTS. " he said.

Marco looked at him" Do you hate BTS?" He asked.

Jungkook looked towards the closet.
He looked back at Marco who was staring intently at him.
"N-no. "he said.

Marcos eyebrow rose.
"You don't hate the people who killed Kai?" he asked.
Jungkook shook his head.
Marco nodded.
"I have something to tell you. Me and my other members are staying in Kai's room. " he said.
Jungkooks stood up.
"You can't! I won't allow it! That's my brothers room!" he yelled.
Marco stood up.
He looked at him and said "BTS didn't kill your brother. "

Jungkook glared at him.
"How do you know?" he asked.
Marco looked at him before saying
"I know. "
He smiled at jungkook and walked out before saying "We won't touch anything from that room. We wouldn't dare. I can promise you that. " he than walked out coming the door.

Jungkook stayed still like a statue in his spot.
He didn't notice Taehyung locking the door and standing next to him.

He looked at Taehyung.
"I'm sorry. " he said.

Taehyung shook his head "Its fine. I need to leave. Mingyu and Dino have Hoseok. " he said.

Jungkook nodded, he picked up his phone and texted Mingyu.
A minute later Mingyu, Dino, Vernon and hoseok were in Jungkooks room.
They looked around the room that was still a mess.

Mingyu whistled.
"Wow, I didn't know you were THAT lazy that you didn't clean your own room. " he said.
Vernon Punched Mingyu earning a glare.

He walked over to jungkook and said "Your dad's here we need to get Taehyung and Hobi I m-mean H-hoseok get out here. " he said.
Hoseok looked at Vernon who was blushing he walked dove from him and wrapped an arm around him.
"Yup you heard him. Is there a way out of here?" he asked.

Jungkook nodded he moved his bed and moved it. Revealing a hidden doorway underneath.
Dino and Mingyu stated mouth agape.
"What?! We never knew you had that here. "

Jungkook shrugged "Kai built it for me. "
They all shut their mouths not saying anything. Jungkook pulled the doorway upwards revealing a stair case.
"Just follow the path it'll lead you towards a river not too far from here. " he said
They nodded Hoseok went in first now before winking at Vernon.
Taehyung was about to go in when he pulled jungkook from the waist and kissing him.
"We're still together no matter what" he said.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and nodded.
Tae went down as well following hoseok. He looked back up at jungkook and said "You might wanna cover them lovebites. " and ran away before jungkook could throw a vase at him.

??? POV

"it's time. "
They nodded.
"get Theo over here. " The said boy walked towards him.
"Call jungkook tell him to meet you at the cafe than walk him into the woods, hold that piece of cloth towards his mouth, he'll fall asleep. "

Theo smirked and nodded.

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