Stay Away from Me!

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All Saturday all I did was stay in bed and sleep. Not wanting to get out of my room for many reasons. Sunday morning was here, and I was in my room with my homework. It's all wet still from the sewers. My thought wandering back to that night. I wanted to scream and make Pete hurt Venom, but I know that's wrong and doesn't make me different from him. Taking a deep breath and looking down at my physics homework. C'mon're almost done, and then you could take a nap. Put my pencil to the paper and writing away equations that I'm pretty sure were right.


Fluttering my eyes open. The high noon light flooding through my window. I thought I closed those. Maybe Peter forgot his keys and had to go through that way. I always leave it unlocked for that reason. My head was starting to hurt again, but it was only minor,so I could live through it. A sudden shift of weight above me on the bed. Looking above me freeze in fear. My blood running cold, and my skin going pale. The large toothy grin with long sharp teeth, and giant white pointed eyes.

I wanted to scream, but his clawed hand beat me to it. Please not again! Venom's long tongue wrapping around my ear, and going down my neck where my jugular was. Then he went to the other side and did the same thing, the gross hot saliva feeling weird against my skin. My hands resting on his shoulders using all my might trying to push him away. The horrifying memories entering my mind like the flood gate has just been open. "We have to keep little spider quiet." He hissed inches from my face, his hot breath choking me. Why does he have to keep me quiet? Could someone be home? The thought made my heart skip a beat. Thrashing even more trying to scream for help hoping that it was Peter. I would hate myself more if I saw the reaction of Aunt May's face if she saw this, so I stopped.

Looking at the giant white eyes above me. His teeth showing again as he crawled down near my stomach. He placed his head against it listening or something. He stayed like that for what felt like hours before he came back up to my face. His hot tongue lapping my ear. Shivering from the act. A blush creeping on my skin as his teeth grazed my ear lobe. Tears falling from my eyes hitting Venom's symbiote hand. I wanted to scream, but I didn't want aunt May to see this action. I didn't want to her to be worried about me for the rest of her life or even worse know that her nephew is the Spider Man that protects New York city, who can't protect his own sister. The thought making more tears stream down my face and Venom licking them up.

"Little female spider must be quiet or she will be punished." his words scaring me to the bone. Wanting to scrub my skin from him. He slowly let his hand from my mouth. And I obeyed. I listened to the symbiote and stayed quiet. He grinned his hands wrapping around my hips. My breathing growing rapid as he leaned forward again. His hands traveling up the length of my body. "Stay away from me!" yelling trying to hide under my covers away from Venom. He growled his claws digging into my skin and leaving even more marks on my pale skin. "We warned you, Little Spider." and before I could say anything else, his head made contact with mine, and I went lights out.


Groaning awake. Freezing air welcoming my body. My brown hair blowing in the wind as my matching brown eyes look up seeing a pissed off Venom. "P-please..." begging looking over to my limbs. My arms were webbed above my head against the sewer walls. The awful smell of the sewers was much more welcoming than the symbiote that was in front of me. My legs weren't webbed up, and I knew next what was going to happen. "Please!" begging the symbiote to leave me alone. To allow me to live a normal teen life. I didn't want this. Peter didn't want this mantle of responsibility of what our father was doing in his lab at Oscorp.

"We warned you, Little spider. But you didn't listen to us. Now you must be punished." his tongue sliding down his mouth and his mouth opening wide. I grew scared more than I ever have in my life. His claws strikes my stomach. Tearing my shirt leaving me in my bra and cuts bleeding.

"Please...leave me alone..." 

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