Venomous Spider

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It's been days since my transformation, memories coming back slowly, but I can now trust my gut with things. Standing on the roof of an apartment building watching the busy traffic of a Friday night. Many people going to bars, parties, friends, partners. New York was alive tonight. That also meant crime, people trying to steal, or do anything against the law.

Sitting against the lip of the ceiling my elbows resting on the concrete as my chin rested in my hands. Watching the lights shift and blend into the beautiful night where some brave stars dared to twinkle in the lights of New York. I was happy. It was weird to think that way. Green Goblin was out of our lives now, unable to find us somehow. S.H.I.E.L.D no longer looking for us either. My brother Peter probably facing the facts that I am not coming back even though Aunt May have told him of our encounter, and everything else I had told her.

Slowly, I was getting used to my new body, and Venom would constantly help or teach me things which involved mostly us making love with each other. Love making that would last hours. Smiling at the long lasting memories of me and my mate finally being together at last. I remember the memories of him raping me, and forcing me to carry our first child when I didn't want too, but I forgive him, that was nearly a year ago, but so much has changed between us.

Smiling more as my left hand traveled along my stomach until I placed it just under where my belly button used to be. I could picture the little one growing inside me. How this time it won't be stressful, nor have to worry about Green Goblin taking away this child or using us symbiotes as weapons for my brother and his team. This one was going to grow normally as a symbiote would, without problems and loving parents. I will love it with all my heart and many more to come, but they'll never meet their uncle, or aunt, or possible cousins. They won't even meet their grandparents who died in a plane crash.

"Piper?" turning to the sound of my name, but wasn't excited to see the person, I was more scared and nervous then anything. Looking at the blue and red suit that hid my brothers identity from the world. Looking at him from head to toe and back up. He looked like he's gained more weight, but in muscle, and he stood different. "Hi, Peter," I said, seeing how he nearly lost his balance looking at me through that mask. He took a step towards me, but recoiled taking it back. "You...look different." was all he said looking at me again. "I've been trying a new hair product," I joked, he chuckled shaking his head looking at me again. "is...Venom treating you well?" he asked, looking at me again, trying to see if there were any signs of pain or discomfort.

"Yes, Peter, he is, and I need to get back now." standing to my full height that I know stood almost taller than him, but he still had an inch on me. He took a step back seeing how tall I was now, but he saw the bump around my stomach. "Are you-?" gesturing towards my stomach. "Yes, I am pregnant again, and yes he didn't rape me this time." explaining quickly, so he didn't jump the gun. "Goodbye, Peter, Please tell May that I am healthy and happy, but give her some time before you tell her I'm pregnant."

Like that I was gone, Back in the sewers with a pacing Venom waiting for my return. He didn't allow me to walk through the door until he had me pinned against the wall and kissing me roughly. Pulling away from him holding his face in my hands. "Venom, I have some good news," he smirked at the words kissing me roughly again, as he hands roamed up and down my thighs. "Yes, My Little Spider?" he kissed me again wanting to get something, but I held his face again. "I am growing a little one," smiling a toothy grin as he stopped dead in his tracks looking like he just saw the biggest diamond in the world.

He didn't say anything for a few seconds, which turned to minutes before he kissed me again, but this time softly. Tentacles holding my legs as his hands traced the ever small bump growing there. "What shall we name the spider?" he asked, looking me in our matching eyes, foreheads resting together.

I couldn't stop smiling as he listed names and that I was going to be happy for the rest of my life and cared for, we were going to be cared for. Placing my small hands over his. 

Oh boy, you guys are going to hate what I am about to say, but....

Venomous Spider is now finished, thank you everyone for the love and support for this story, I hope to write more fan based stories for others, and some of my own, but THANK YOU!

Love you all my amazing nerds!


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