Oh...My God.

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Sitting on the bed I awoke wanting alone time. The images of my baby going through my head. The small thing that looked exactly like venom. It was still too early for the gender, but I like to think of it as my little boy. The horrible dreams coming back unable to make me sleep.

"Is the baby still alive?" asking the doctor behind me with his leather gloves. "Yes, the only way it will die is if you ask, or you pull it out of the cradle, or destroy the cradle holding it." Doctor Strange explaining to me while Peter looked like he was scheming something with my baby.

Hugging myself close on the middle of the bed. Peter in the room next door, and Doctor Strange somewhere else. I didn't know if anyone else lived here, but so far I couldn't tell. I just want to go home. But which one is my home? The sewers with Venom and possible future children? Or with my Aunt May and older brother Peter and try to live a normal life with a normal boyfriend or husband? Have normal children? Do I want Normal? That was the question. A life with Venom? Or a life with Peter? This was the question my life depended on. Be hunted down by an alien symbiote. Or be hunted down and destroyed by the little family you have left. But you can start a family. Tears dancing down my face as my hands rested on my stomach that now held a disgusting scar.

Covering my mouth with my hands as sobs left my mouth. I wanted Venom. I wanted Venom to be there to protect me, and our baby. His strength to give me strength, His emotions to hide mine. Wiping my tears away from my eyes and cheeks, and nearly running to the room to look at my baby. My feet slapping against the polished wood as I saw the door that held my baby. Calming my breath and heart. My shaking hand close to the polished door. Something doesn't feel right. My hand wrapping around the door knob, and turning it until it clicked. Opening the door and walking into the dark room, but the light in the room was the glowing cradle that held my baby, but...

"Oh...my god." my back against the door looking at who was holding my symbiote baby. He turned around his large green ears and yellow eyes were the first to tell me who. "Hello, my dear, have you been well?" Green goblin asked as he held my baby with care. All the mechanical stuff keeping my baby alive. "G-green...Goblin." I couldn't believe it. He was here. "Are you the mother of this perfect symbiote spawn?" He asked bouncing the baby a little to keep it asleep. "Y-yes..." where's Venom when you need him!? Or even Peter!

"And I'm going to assume Venom is the father, which I am surprised you're even still alive being most science experiments fail to do this." he explained carefully putting my baby back in the high tech cradle. Once he knew that the baby was safe he gave me a grin and stood tall to show me his muscular build and green skin. He began to walk towards me, my breath caught in my throat. "I-I'll scream!" Saying loudly enough for his ears to perk up. He continued his steps towards me. Trying to go for the doorknob to run, but Green Goblin was already there his hand destroy the knob. I was ready to scream, but his wrapped around my mouth. He put his pointed finger across his lips. "Shh, we don't want to wake the baby do we?" Looking into his solid yellow eyes as his smirk filled the room with horror.

"You'll be fine specimen, now we wait for Venom,"

Fear was now coursing through my veins. I haven't felt like this since Venom raped me, and I didn't like this feeling one bit. My body began shaking, and this fear was much worse then Venom's.

Venomous Spider (Venom x OC)✔Where stories live. Discover now