She's Mine!

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~Venom's POV~
Crouching on a tall roof. My rage boiling under my black symbiote skin. Little Spider wanting to leave after everything I've done for her?! She still wants to leave?! Bringing her food, warm clothes, a warm bed! And she still wants to leave. But she only wants to see the one human that fears for where she is. A voice in my head whispered quietly. No! It doesn't matter! She's mine and only mine now! No one can touch her while she carries our little one. My breathing moving the body of black that formed.

The dark buildings welcomed the silent roads. The few cars going by. I didn't leave far from Little Spider. Couldn't stay mad at her forever..but her wanting to leave made me mad. Looking down at the street. The alleyway where I would go back down to meet my little spider carrying our little one that will be stronger then me, and as powerful as it's mother. Little Spider was strong. Not breaking into submission while down here, trying to fight me back as I forced her into this. My chest aching. I didn't know why, but It hurt! Hurt more then when Spider-Man would throw a powerful punch. Looking down at my hands. My long claws that hurt my little spider. Could feel the blood still on them that washed away weeks ago.

The fear in her brown eyes was what I deserved for hurting my little spider. The flinches she gives me as I try to touch chest growing tight in pain. My shoulders slumping into my body. "VENOM!!" looking to my left before getting kicked off the building. My back hitting a lamp post and into the road breaking it up in the process. Getting up quickly seeing the little Spider-Man. "Where is she!? Where is my sister!? Where's Piper!" he shot his webs out of anger. Trying to get to my mate. Hissing at him catching the webbing with ease. Throwing him towards me and punching him square in the face throwing him into another building. The bricks crumbling underneath his weight. "You'll never find her Spider-Man! She's mine!" roaring out at him throwing my own black webbing and grabbing his face.

Ripping off his mask seeing how horrible he looked. His brown hair was gross, his brown almost black eyes having purple underneath them. He growled throwing me off him and webbing me up against a lamp post. Loud sirens filling my ears. Screaming out in pain, Spider-Man putting his mask back on hiding his face as bright red and blue lights filled the area. Screeching out in pain ripping the webbing and covering my ears. The horrible pain screaming at my brain. Guns pointed at me, the stench of fear all over those police officers. "Where is she?!" Spider-Man demanded again punching me to the ground.

The loud noises growing deeper into me. Spider-Man kicked me in my gut where the giant white spider symbol was. "Where is she!" his voice growing louder and deeper then before. Growling looking up at him. "Gone." Spider-man's body falling to the ground. His knees hitting the asphalt. "No, no, no, no, NO!" Spider-man charging me with everything he had. The loud noise blinding my senses. Unable to block many of his attacks. Roaring out in pain many tentacles that had touched Little Spider destroyed every police cruiser there was. Shaking my head, the ringing still in my head. Spider-Man kicking me into a building.

Getting up quickly. Wrapping my tentacles around Spider-man and beginning to squeeze. Bring pain into his body until his brain went to sleep. Then I will run back to little spider and try to win trust back. Squeezing tighter...and tighter, and tighter. Spider-Man growling as he tried to free himself, his strength depleting quickly. Bullets flying towards me. A shield of my symbiote skin shielding me. The spider in my grip went limp, dropping his body to the ground. Turning and jumping up onto a building leaving my claw marks on the building. Running down another alley way. Take the long way...use every tunnel possible. Make sure they don't get to her.

The dark and quiet sewers weren't quiet tonight. Police chasing after in their armor. Taking a left, right, right, left, right, left, left, left. Killing a group of police. Running back all the way around the sewers until I knew they were lost and couldn't find their way back out or nowhere close to my Spider. The echos off the walls of the men shouting made my brain ache. Running quickly. Taking the longer way then I wanted. Following the small scent of my Little Spider. The Shampoo in her hair, the scent of a pregnant human female with a hybrid in her.

I will protect you, My Little Piper...I will harm you no more.

Venomous Spider (Venom x OC)✔Where stories live. Discover now