How Long?!

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I woke up in Venom's arms still. Gasping awake a little scaring the giant symbiote. Venom looked at me in shock. The room was very warm, but my cheeks were greeted with freezing cold air. "What's wrong?" I asked Venom a little nervous. He looked at my face for the longest time. He then looked down at my stomach region. I was in different clothes, built in many layers. Maybe that's why I'm so warm. "Little spider...has been asleep for long time." he said a little worried. Lifting the blanket a little seeing that the bump was growing bigger. "What does... 'a long time' mean?" I dared to ask looking up at the symbiote, his giant hand resting on my stomach. The action felt weird, but it kept me warm. "A little more than a week...but this not little spider's first long sleep. After I brought you back down slept for two weeks. It is almost winter." Venom spoke looking at me. god. I've been down here for almost a month...Aunt May has to worried out of her mind. God this sucks..I have to get out of here to let her know I'm ok. Sitting up, Venom's other hand resting on my back helping me stay up. Placing my hands through my gross brown hair that needed a shower. Closing my eyes. My head doesn't hurt anymore. Groaning out the guilt eating me up. I started to cry. Guilt growing more and more as each year went down my cheek. Venom's tongue lapping up my tears leaving a sticky trail along my cheeks.

"V-venom...what day is it?" Asking the symbiote. His large solid white eyes looking up at the ceiling before answering. "November twenty-second," it's thanksgiving. I'm missing second favorite holiday besides Christmas. I can't do this right now. I think I'm going mad at the thought. Getting away from Venom and running to the bathroom. Slamming the bathroom door shut and barely making it to the toilet and throwing up. I always hated when I would throw up. The taste would make me gag and puke again. Throwing up my stomach one last time before resting my sweaty forehead on the toilet seat. My body was freezing in a layer of sweat.

Shaking in fear...what is this? What is happening to me? Tears streaming down my face. I didn't know what was happening to my body. I thought I knew, but I didn't. I thought I was pregnant, but I'm not that either. The tears were dripping to the floor beneath me. My shaking arm going up to the toilet handle. Flushing all of what was left in my stomach from a week ago. I felt weak...I wanted to lay here and die. Laying on the concrete floor next to the toilet. My hands going towards my stomach. My freezing fingertips grazing where I thought my little baby was growing. I wasn't pregnant. My hands feeling my stomach. The little baby bump I could begin to feel. More tears streaming down my face. The so silent dripping sound from my tears. I'm not pregnant! My tears were dripping faster. I didn't want this. No one wanted this! Piper Parker didn't want this. Peter Parker didn't want this. Aunt May didn't want this. But he wants this, he wants me to carry his symbiote baby. It's his fault that stuck here. It's his fault that I'm missing thanksgiving. It's his fault that puking my guts out. Everything is Venom's fault. I've been down here for a month.

My family probably worried sick, or came to the conclusion that I'm dead, and they've stopped looking for me. Maybe I should be dead. I would get away from Venom, but the baby growing inside me doesn't know right from wrong. The little baby doesn't know that its father raped it's mother to even come to this world, but if I kill myself to get away from Venom...the little baby will die too, and it won't know why. But it's his baby. Venom is an evil man. He deserves to be sad for what he did to me. I should just kill myself and get rid of life. But that's selfish even for me and it would go back to killing the innocent baby inside me. Making up my mind. The tears stopped their flow from my eyes. Taking my hands away from my swollen stomach that will grow bigger over the months.

I am pregnant. And it's my baby. Not Venoms. My baby.

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