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Venom was out doing whatever he does out there while I sit here bored out of my mind trying to entertain myself while my baby kicks me and rolls around. Placing my hands on my swollen stomach. Feeling the baby move underneath me. Will you look human? Symbiote? A little bit of both? What will the birth be like? The thought of giving birth to this thing growing inside me. It wasn't settling well with me at all. Having the thought of giving birth all by myself. Venom could be gone, the door locked as I try and ask for help to get the baby out of me. I could possibly die from giving birth. The baby could live, and Venom comes back and sees me dead while the baby is possibly crying to get to its father.

Speak of the devil and he shall come. Standing up from the mattress my hands around my stomach. A small smile on my lips as the door slammed open. Frozen in my spot. My smile dropping to a sob. Tears streaming down my face as I saw who stood in front of me. "Piper..." peter gasped his mask covering his face. "P-peter..." sobbing out holding my arms out unable to move. He ran forward wrapping me in a hug. It didn't last long when he looked down, his mask now off. His messy brown hair not well kept...his eyes having dark circles underneath showing he didn't sleep well while I was gone. "Wha---" he took a step back looking at my stomach.

Looking down...more tears streaming down my face. Falling to my knees covering my mouth as I sobbed again. "I'm so sorry, Pete.." looking up at him grabbing my stomach that was holding my baby. "Your...he.." he didn't have the words but he looked at me in shock and disgust. "I didn't have a choice he....he...raped me." it was so quiet I didn't think Peter heard me say it. Peter didn't know what to do. He just stood there looking at me. Peter looked back at the door that was busted open. Throwing on his mask again making sure that it was under his suit. Grabbing my hand making for a sprint. "P-pete-!" trying to make him stop. My entire body in front of the metal door that was on its hinges. Pulling my hand away from his grip. He stopped looking at me. "C'mon! We have to go!" he tried grabbing for my hand again.

Taking a step away. The fear of Venom beating me because I left. "I...can't...Venom will hurt me if I leave. He'll hurt aunt May." taking another step towards the metal door. Fear boiling around my entire body. My legs suddenly not working at the memories of Venom the first night. Falling to my knees Peter catching me. "I promise he won't hurt you again. I swear on my life that he won't come near you again." he said picking me up bridal style running. "He'll come because of the baby growing inside me...the only way to keep you from hurting him..." mumbling as I saw sunlight. Sunlight. Oh that will feel so good against my pale skin.

The sudden kick from my baby made me think back of Venom. The small sweet moments we had. The bitter, long, harsh moments of pain and agony. Hearing faint panting not from my brother who was older by one year. I could see faint shadows echoing against the walls back towards the room that held me for five months with the little baby growing inside me. What will I tell Aunt May? The horrible thought will give her a heart attack. Missing for nearly six months and come back pregnant and scars along my back, wrist, ankles. She'd have a heart attack.

Before Peter could close the manhole from the sewers, the cold breeze biting at my skin like never before. A very loud screech of anger, pain, and betrayal echoed through every tunnel in the sewers. What is Venom feeling? Does he know that I couldn't do it by myself or does he think I've been doing this the entire five months to get free? I didn't want to know what he thought, or if he'll come after me.

I'm just free and away from there...

Venomous Spider (Venom x OC)✔Where stories live. Discover now