Chapter 4: hate is a very harsh lie!

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-Rose POV-

finaly the day has come! the day i become lissas guardian! FOR GOOD! i have made it all this way without a father since my mother never told me who he was, a mother since mine was never there and a brother to help me but i did have a sister well somone who was a sister to me but now is a queen! but sitill my sister. lissa.

we were all in a room after 3 hours it was only me and lissa left.

"and finaly my main guardian, rosemairy hathaway!" lissa cryed tears of joy went up and hugged me.

"ive missed you aswell lissa!" i sighed

-12 hours later-

my mother planned a great party but it got in the way of my sleep and sleep to me is money the less i have the more i pay. but usuly i take it out on someone else tonight!

main target: Jane Hathaway!

strength: alot!

speed: faster than me!

status: annoying!

usefulnes: none what so ever to me!

luck: a hell of alot more than me!

trust worvy: -999,999,999,999,999,999,999'

"thank you all for coming!" she said steping up on the make shift stage. by 'all' she ment a group of random people, lissa, dimitri, christian, adrian and mia. "my daughter, whitch i am verry prowd of,..." yeah, yeah you just keep telling them that! "is now the main guardian of Queen Vassilisa Dragomere!" everyone cheard. ehh so boring! "we couldnt be prouder!" she staited then left to talk to the random people again. we? whos we? never mind. i turned to lissa and said

"ive learned a bit of russian wanna hear?"

"sure" lissa said exitement stpeding through the bond

"this is what i think of what she said:" i smiled

then christian smirked and said "this should be good"

"бля фигня!" then dimitri almost laughed

"what you say?" christian laughed

"guess sparky!" i laughed back and lissa was just looking confused like the rest of the gang here. only me and dimitri knew what it ment. but he couldnt hold it any mor and laughed.

"she you havent lost you sence of humer it means:" the others staired at him expectingly "fucking bullshit!"

"rose this is not the place for that langidge." lissa sighed

"of corse not were in america not russia!" she scoud at me but christian birst laughing. its not that funny. then i turned around "mum how are you?" i said then mumbled "сука" dimitri looked at me then took me to the food bar.

"your mum is not a bitch!" he sighed

"yes but your a гудение убийство!" i laughed

"i am no longer a teacher there for no longer a buzz kill!" he sighed then the next thing i know his lips are onn mine and i couldnt help myself i got up on my toes and kissed him back. then sudenly pulled away and walked back.

a man walked up to me and dimitri froze. "Zmay" he mutterd "why would guardian hathaway invite you?" he asked in a stronger voice.

"because well never mind and you are ah a Belicove!" he said recognising him. "very far away from russia!"

"so are you." dimitri snorted

"yeah well if its a war of staiting the obvias its a draw. exuse me old man but i got better intrests than talking to a rainbow!" now i liiked at him he was wairing a rainbow scarf, a grey suit, grey slaks and a bright neon pink top "what you raid a little girls closit for that top and dont try bullshit me that top is no where nere samon!"

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