Chapter 16: Tony and his little friend.

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  • Dedicated to YOU!!!!!

-Victor POV-

ever since that fire Tasha has been missing!

i think rose got to her like she did to that other Strigoi, what was his name? Tanner, Tommy oh yeah Tony!

she told me that she was going to check on the building and every thing else. then the fire started. rose could have changed her and gave her, her powers back! she betrayed me!

i thought that our hatered for rose would be enough to get a companion but no! she wants to be all powerful and jumps at the chance! the bitch left me to burn!

i heard that rose was found in the platinum room! at least she got rid of my main gowl before leaving. i guess that was all we were going to work together for but i still need her for the attack on the royal court!

"Charlie!" i yelled. we had moved into a new base. it wasn't as big as the old one but it's the best we could get other than falling down.

"What?!" he snapped and this got me angree.

"Shut up and listen!" i yelled at him. "know your place."

i could tell that it only made him angreer but he shut up and i smirked. "i want you to bring Dimitri Belecove to me within the month." i told him. i was being genoras. it was October 1st and he had a full month to prepare. "now get out of my sight." i demanded and he scuttled away to a dark corner to brood.

i really need to re build my army. i lost 300 strigoi in the fire! i will need to go around changing humans to strigoi before the royal court catches on to what I'm doing. it means that i will need to act fast to wipe out the best guardians like Dimitri Belicove first to get in. althoug i've heard that he has been failing resently. must be the news about rose.

-Lissa's POV-

i was just i my office contemplaiting the burial of rose's real body when a phone call snapped me out of my stuper.

"Yes?" i asked the person on the other line. i tried to keep my voice clam and colected but i was under too much stress that it came out as a growl.

"Hello your magisty i was just wondering, do you have Abe Mazure's phone number?" a male voice asked me and i was in shock. no one has ever called me to ask for a phone number, espeshaly no one that i dont know!

"Uh," i mutter in shock. "Um, if i may ask who is calling?" i said still confused that they sounded so layed back.

"Oh, tell him it's Tony and i was wondering what hiss number is not who am i?" he laughed and i just sat there shocked.

"Your Tony?" i asked

"Yup." he laughed

"Abe's younger brother?" i asked.

"The one and only!" he laughed.

"We are holding a funaral for Rose would you like to atend?" i asked him. Abe has been searching for him for years. i thought he would preferto see his brother face to face to know he's not strigoi rather than a simple phone call.

i heard him confering with a female voice on the other side then he sighed. "Okay but there is somthing that i need to tell you before i get there."

"Tell me now then." i stated trying to get this over with so i could call Abe.

"i was a strigoi for..." he stopped then re composed himself then continued. "a few years. i was turned back by an... um... a... spirit user?" he said in a question like stait.

"You don't need to tell me this but why is it a problem?" i asked

"Because i still look 21!" he sighed.

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