Chapter 26: The British

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-Rose POV-

just as i was heading back from seeing dimitri for a second time nausia overtook my body and i fell to the ground practicaly being sick.

Strigoi were neer by, and by how i felt, alot of them!

I tried to get up and to my feet only for the nausia to get worse and a pounding head ake to set in. it was like nothing i had ever felt before i, for some reason, could tell that all the strigoi neer by were beyond saving!

i used my arms and dragged my body across the grass as much as i could until the nausia was to much for me to handle that i just flipped over onto my back and stared up at the sky in wonder.

Is this the way i'm going to die? i thought. So weak and feable that i was unable to even move? So tired and in pain that i lie down dearing the next time my muscles move because it hurts to much? What about Lissa who is too pregnant to fight? Dimitri who has forgotern what is going on? Edie who will be caught un aware? Abel, my brother, a mear moroi? i don't even know his power!

Just as my vision began to filter into blackness i saw a pale figure race towards me, blood red eyes and extended fangs, ready to kill!

-Lissa POV-

for the first time, i was sucked into roses head, i could hear her internal speach, i could feel all the pain she had sucked into one body that would have killed her were she not a khemsiri!

as soon as i drew out i told my guard to send the khemsiri to the main hall but otherwise no person or being was aloud to enter or leave the main building of court.

as i was preparing for battle Dimitri came up to me with knowing eyes.

"What do I need to do?" he asked me and i almost laughed, he knew nothing of what was going on yet he was volintering, he would surly die! "I know!" he told me, two simple words that left me stumped, unable to think up any rational idea as to what he was saying.

then, as if his mission to confuse me was completed, he turned and walked away! what the hell was going on?

i turned around not really caring what he said then put a hand on my stomach. it had been 2-3 months since i found out i was pregnant and 4 months since i got pregnant so i wasn't that showey but it wasn't easly hidden

"Your gonna be alright." i said stroking my stomach as i tryed to sooth it when really the only things i understood was:

1. I was pregnant

2. i was engaged, still

3. i was scared

4. somthings off about Dimitri.

-Rose POV-

when i woke up the first thing i did was complain.

"God this bed it so uncomfertable." i groaned hitting the 'pillow'. in reality it was just a human that victor had pulled into the figt, i was laying on his lap pretending i thought i was in bed and i was hitting the 'pillow' because it was uncomfertable.

"Wake up!" victors voice bomed in my ear.

"Damn Dimitri you sound like your throats gone through aa blender." i complained as i held back my laughter.

"Wake up you infureating little girl." a british acsaint yelled from above my head, obviously the human.

"Dad your brittish?" i mumbled actuly falling asleep in the unknown guys lap.

"I'll pay you to get you off of your hands and back to England with me." the guy above me said as he ran his hand down my cheak.

"Maybe at the right price but she is pritty expencive to me." i heard Victor negotiate.

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