Chapter 21: Clarity is... wait what?

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-Rose / Clarity-

just as Dimitri hit the floor i lit the sucker on fire.

the sun had just set and i needed to get us back to court but with me folowing Dimitri who was going well over 160 miles per hour for 2 hours really took it out of me and my powers were fadeing.

i scaned the area glad that there was only the one strigoi around us.

i stoped using my power because i needed it to save Dimitri. i didn't know where he had been hit but he had blacked out and was bleeding really badly.

i walked towards the strigoi when an idea came to me. this might be a long shot i thought to myself. but it just might work. i might be able to draw power from the strigoi to get my full strength back.

i tryed it but it didn't work.

then i tapped into spirit magic and used that to pull life from his body.

i instantly felt a rush of power and saw the strigoi's body sag. he wasnt dieing but was losing strength to do anything.

i felt a twist of nausha in my stomach the realised i was surounded by strigoi. some seemed to be seeing their sences and were obviosly turned by force but the others turned by choice or were too old to be changed back, i learned that when i was talking to Jack one time. he had mentioned how the other strigoi neer us that were young and turned by force were acting normal.

i focased on the ones who wern't confused or normal and began to pull power from their bodys. they all sagged to the floor because they didn't have enough power to move.

"If you all stay with me you will be fine. then i can turn you and you can be normal where ever you like." i told them and they all gave a small nod but seemed to shocked to do much else. "Does anyone know where we can stay till i can turn you all?"

"Theres a motel neer by." a girl said.

i nodded, picked up Dimitri and we booked into a suit in the motel.

"Okay i need to try to heal him and once thats done i will turn as many of you as posible." i told them. "It takes power out of me and i dont have time to eat or sleep." i explained and didn't bother to wait for an answer as i set Dimitri face down on the bed but turned his face to the side so he wouldn't sufocate.

i rasted my hand on the bulit wound then realised i hadn't gotten the buli out.

i knew it would hurt him when he woke up but because at the time i had long nails i shoved my fingers into his back earning a few ghasps from the strigoi around me.

i grasped onto it with my nails and fidled around untill it was out and more blood bagan to flood from his back.

i put my hand onto his back and closed my eyes to heal it but nothing happened.

i turned around to face the strigoi behind me and asked. "Were any of you a moroi before you changed?" around 15 of the 26 of them stepped forwards. "Were any of you spirit users?" i asked and one stepped forwards then i realised spirit has only been around for about 2 years before they didn't believe it was real. "Okay were any of you able to heal or use all the powers at once?" i asked and 3 more stepped forwards.

it would have to do. one by one i pulled them forwards and bit into their necks leaving them shocked but i didn't have to dilly dally.

"Okay focas on healing him with me and i will help as meany of you as i can tonight and the rest tomorow." i explained.

the four that i had turned stepped forwards and put their hands on his back as his breathing began to slow.

we all used spirit and i watched as the blood flow stopped and the wound healed as a different strigoi held it closed so it didn't heal wrong.

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