Chapter 25: Brother and forgotten

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-Abel POV-

it was just as i was walking into the meeting room to meet up with Rose, Lissa and Edie when the strigoi bell went.

I saw Rose and Edie storm past me at such a speed that i almost missed it.

i ran into the main building of court, found a secure room, locked myself in then gazed out to look at the battle between Strigoi, Khemsiri and Dhampire to see how it went.

I saw Rose get thrown across the feild in a seculded corner. she was surounded by 100 standing Strigoi as she lead down groaning and gripping her chest.

I watched as one of the Strigoi stabbed Rose right through the heart. she let out a loud peircing screem that started to come out in sections:

ahh... ahh ahh... ahh... ahh ahh... ahh... ahh beep... beep... beep beep.

my eyes flew open only to be tinted red for sme reason.

i fumbled around on my desk untill i slamed my fist down on the slick and rotten surface of the clock only to look at my hand again to see blood, and alot of it. No wait on both my hands.

i sat up and looked around my room only to find it cleen. i then looked down to my hands to find them covered in blood.

The Battle's now lost,

the war can be won.

The broken man stands,

his battle not done.

He can't back down,

till the chosen ones dead.

The chosen one lives,

to sever his head.

Her brother of futuor,

will kill the broken.

Only to die,

by the one that's forgotern.

i snapped out of my stupor only to realise that it was a profecy. but who was who?

I grabbed a piece of paper and started to write the most likely people.

The broken = Victor Dashcove

The Chosen = Rose Hathaway-Mazure

Her brother = Me

The forgotern =

the last one had me stumped untill i remembered the thing Rose had told me about what happened to her husband.

The forgotern = Dimitri Belicov

I folded up the piece of paper and tucked it away in my jacket then focased on the dream i was haven before i woke up.

"I have no idea." I mumbled to myself but a door flew open stopping my internal and external rant.

"Hello, I'm Adrian Ivashcove and I want a drinking buddy." He smiled and i smirked. so he's a relivive.

"Hi, I'm Abel Ivashcove-Mazure." I said using my mothers maden name in my sir name like i used to because neither of them bothered with me, no need to prioritize.

"Oh," he said scrunching up his eyebrows then he laughed. "Well, we can catch up at a bar, over vodka and wisky." he told me pulling me from the room. to be honist i didn't really protest to it.

I needed a bit of alcahole to drown out my sorrow and let me lossen up, even if it is only for a few hours.

-Dimitri POV-

As i got knocked out by Rose that night I had a, what could you call it?, message (?) sent to me in my mind. that message was:

A ridle's a ridle and a ryme's a ryme,

you will 'forget' before clarity's time.

The winner has won and the loser is dead,

you will kill Abel, off with his head.

He can tell the future, know your his foe,

you now share his power, so don't let it go!

WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? was my first thought but i cought on.

if i wanted to go back to rose i needed the power to do so, but killing her brother will put her against me. I guess it's better her alive than her dead.

It also never said when i had to kill him so i'll drag it out as long as possible. if he can tell the futuer he must have known that i was going to kill him. i guess he just didn't care.


Authers Note:

I know that chapter was short but i had to add it for you to understand the rest of whats going to happen.

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best wishes

yo coco


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