Chapter 24: He's got it bad

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-Roses POV-

a while after meeing my brother and getting out of my haze i went to the hospital section with a pregnant, hormonal Lissa. not a good mix.

"Do you think he's okay?" she cryed. "You said he's been out for days!" she exsagerated.

"No, he's been out for about a day." i groaned.

"Okay stressy, wow you seem really moody today Rose." she complained, mood swings. "Just because you've just officialy got back doesn't mean you can't be happy." she said then started to tear up so she grabbed my top. "Never do that again. You bitch you left me alone!" she said changing from crying to yelling in seconds.

"I wasn..." i started but she just speed walked through the doors away from me so i sighed and followed.

"Where were you?" she said grabbing my top and crying into it. "You left me all aone to see Dimitri!" she cryed.

"Where is Dimitri Belicove?" i asked one of the nurses who instructed me on how to get to his room. i placed Lissa in a wheel chair so she knew i wouldn't leave her and from the fact that she had began complaining about walking.

as i opened the door i saw that Dimitri was trying to sit up.

I imidiatly pushed Lissa's chair into the wall and just about registerd the loud crash as the side of the wheel chair went half way through the window by the door.

i ran over to Dimitri and pulled him in for a long hug which he greatfuly shared.

"Why are we here?" he asked me as i pulled away to see his scrunched up face."Were ment looking for you in England!" he said pulling back. "This looks like the hospital at court to me." he said inspecting the room then his gase landed on Lissa who was trying to pull the wheel chair, which was caught on a piece of sharp glass in the window, and he laughed then frowned. "Since when were you pregnent?" he asked then turned to me. "And why would you cut your hair?" he asked me.

"It's a long story i said then looked over to Lissa and decided to talk to her through the bond.

"I think he has amnesia." i told her and she nodded then ghasped.

"Then your not engaged to him in his eyes and he doesn't know what Khemsiri's are!" she said and i groaned.

"Doctor!" i yelled and one came into the room. "The last thing Dimitri can remember are events from around, what, say two years ago." i told him and he sighed.

"I was afrade this would happen." he sighed. "Mr Belicove hit his head pritty hard which as caused him to acwire amnesia." he said then gave us a small smile. "It should ware off with in a month." he told me and i groaned.

"That means he will be out of action for a month." Lissa said. "I will not alow you to work, if not i can take it up with Clarity on wether you keep your job or not." she told him and his face scrunched up.

"Who's Clarity?" he asked and i laughed as Lissa went back to pulling on the chair.

"Rose, I ment Rose." she sighed as she gave another yank which broke the glass and was about to make the chair fall on her and possibly kill her babey.

i ran to Lissa so fast that it practicaly paused time, i pushed the chair so it was falling slow motion out of the windows and pulled Lissa into one of the guest chairs. as i slowed down the world seemed to speed up again so i turned around just in time to see Dimitri's eyes role back in his head and for him to fall limp in his propt up position.

"Well he's got it bad." Lissa comented looking over at Dimitri's limp body.

"Yeah and you look like an eliphant." i said looking at her stomach. "Are you sure your only 4 months along?" i asked her as i sat in the seat next to her.

"Can i tell you somthing?" she asked and i nodded my head. "I'm having triplets!" she squealed and i hugged her. "Two boys and a girl!" she said as she clapped like a preforming seal and i just laughed at her.

"Lovely, a deranged queen and a crack head sister, litaraly!" a voice said and i snapped my head around to see Abel.

"You broke your head again today?" lissa asked in worry as Abel snorted.

"Again, I'm begining to think your a cluts." he laughed and Lissa just had to agre with him.

"Yep she through me, a pregnant QUEEN(!) half way out that window." she said as she pointed to the shattered window by the door which caused Abel to birst out laughing.

"You'd think you were visiting your Husband." he laughed and i snorted.

"Soon to be." i told him and he cocked an eye brow.

"Would he say that?" he asked and i sighed.

"No..." i started and he smirked. "But the last thing he can remember is from two years ago." i sighed and he laughed.

"Is this your fault?" he asked and my gaze dropped to the floor.

"Well kinda." i sighed as he broke out into laughter.

"From the looks of him you tryed to kill him" he laughed. "I saw, you scared him so much he passed out!" he laughed and i couldn't help the snigger that escaped my lips.

"Well if it isn't my dead daughter and royal son." Abe said from the door way.

"When were you planning on telling me this kinda stuff?" i asked.

"Well i haven't really been able to have a heart to heart chat to you yet plus YOU HAVE DIED THREE TIMES, WENT MISSING TWICE AND BEEN HUNTED ONCE IN JUST OVER A YEAR!" he exclaimed and i shuffled backwards.

"Well BOO!" i said sarcasticaly and ran to his face just before saying 'boo' which caused him to jump back into the door where he banged his head against it.

Abel and I sniggered as i opened the door and he fell down like a domino onto his back.

"As you can see i'm buissy, sorry were buissy at the moment so run along on your way and come back when your needed. cause at the moment, your not needed." i told him as he scrambled to his feet and stormed off down the hall.

"Oh my god!" Jannet squealed as she barged into the over crouded room and hugged me.

"What is it, what's wrong?" i asked and she laughed at me.

"I'm pregnant, the first pregnant Khemsiri in history!" she squealed pulling Abel and Lissa into the hug. "I'm gonna be the mother i couldn't have been if I were a strigoi!" she asid bouncing up and down.

"Congratulations." i said but Lissa pulled away with a scowl.

"We'll need to keep you in a safe place because this baby will most likely be wanted, not as much as Rose, but the baby will be weeker than Rose and unable to defend himself." Lissa said and ran her hand through her hair. "I think it's wise that when it becomes evident that your pregnant you will have to go into hiding!"


Authers Note:

hey best readers EVER!

i know it's short but i wanted to update. tell me what you think,

please vote comment ect. ect.

best wishes

Yo Coco


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