Chapter 13: gone

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-Lissa POV-

i ran away after they staked rose. i couldn't feel her through the bond anymore.

"Guards, front gate, rose, they got rose." i said inbetween breaths.

all of the guards in the room imidiatly got up and ran out to the front of court.

"Lissa?" i voice called out as i slumped into a chair. "Lissa what's wrong? tell me what happened." christian said crouching down infront of me.

"R-Ro- se Ros-s-se," i startted letting the tears fall from my eyes of their own free will. "V-v-vic Vict-t-tor g-g-got-t h-h-her!" i cried into his sholder as he pulled me towards him.

"She'll be fine." he told me.

"T-t-the b-b-bonds g-g-gone." i sobbed as i heard a ghasp in the corner and turned to face a verry confused Aidrion

"Please tell me rose hasn't died again." he mumbled and i nodded my head. "Third time! how do we get her back?" he asked and i just sobbed hardder.

"Their bond is broken, rose is dead." dimitri's voice carried over to us. "Its to late." his face was void of any emotion even his eyes were blank

if what they say is true, that the eyes are the door to the soul, then Rose must of taken his with her.

"are you sure we should be havving this conversation infront of lissa given her condition?" aidrion asked.

"What condition?" christian asked turning to me

"Yeah, what condition?" i asked as i gained some of my composure.

"Lissa dont be stupid, your pregnant" aidrian said in a 'duh' tone causing my breath to hitch.

"i-i-i" i stuttered falling back into the seat. "could that have caused a block?" i asked hopeful.

"no nothing but death could have, your bond was to strong." he told us conferming our worst fears, she was gone!

"I-i-i c-can't-t d-d-do-o thi-i-is" i stuttered walking out of the meeting room when i did i noticed the strigoi alarm had stopped so i went over to the statue of rose and neeled before it. "I-i-i w-will m-m-miss-ss y-y-you-u r-r-ros-s-se."

i said in between wails and sobbs.

she was my best friend, my guardian, my insperation and most importantly my sister.

at least she died the way she always wanted to; she went down kicking and screaming plus protecting me!

i will make sure that her sacrifice was not in vein! i will be queen an do it all for her. to prove she died for a cause.

-Rose POV-

i woke up to the sound of keys in a lock and screaching of hinges dissagreing with the way the door opened.

i snapped my head in the direction to the door to find an amused looking strigoi there.

my eyes rested on his for a moment then i realised he looked like some one i knew!

"Well sleeping, i'm gonna go and anoy tasha the raving, bitch is up." he said smugly as i leaned against the head board of my bed.

"Who are you?" i asked feeling proud of how strong my voice was.

"My brothers, brother." he staited which got and anoyed grunt from me.

"And your brother is..." i said.

"Abe Mazure." he staited. "And now i have a quetion."

"Shoot." i shrugged.

"I turned strogoi by force but around you i seem to be able to be myself, how?" he asked.

"I dunno." i shrugged again. "I guess i am similar to you in that i cant die." i mumbled.

"Don't you have a bond with queen vassislisa?" he asked

oh yeah.

i queckly tryed to get through to her to find i was the only one in my head. huh!

great we were trying for months to break the conection and when we need it most its broken..

"Its not working." i mumbled trying to keep the fear from my voice.

"oh." he sighed. "is it true that you can turn people into one of you just by getting them to drink your blood then you drinking theirs in turn?" he asked

"Uh i uh!" i stuttered. "i don't actuly know." i mumbled.

"If you help me i will help you." he told me.

"Fine." i shrugged. "But on your blood be it." i told him.

"Littarly." he muttered.

"Do you have anything that i can cut my wrist with?" i asked and he grinned at me showing pearly white fangs. "Other than those?" i asked.

"Oh... uh no." he said lamely. "I knew i had to ask first time i met you or the strigoi me would never come here again and i didn't want to risk losing the chance." he explained.

"Fine bight away." i said extending my arm.

i shut my eyes and cringed awaywhen i felt a shir pain in my wrist.

when i finaly pulled away he offered me his which i reluctently took.

i bit down hard and tasted the metalic twang of blood in my mouth. i relictantly swollowed the thick red liquid and pulled away.

i looked to his eyes to see them shifting from a blood red colour to being taken over by the pupil. out of nowhere the black turned to its normal size and the red had been replased with a sky blue colour.

he imidiatly pulled me into a hug then relesed me when he realised i was uncomfertable.

"um i know the root out." he explained to me

"well then lets go." i said throwing my arms into the air.

-Dimitri POV-

shes gone, again, but this time for real.

lissa cant get through to her, her blood was soaked into the grass. there was to much blood. they had figured out her weakness and the striked when lissa was the only person neer her.

they were targeting rose. they wanted to kill her and they sucseeded.

it was like when i became tashas guardian. i had moped around for days, not trained and not talked.

i was a living breathing shell of a person.

i was like a ghost moping around in a huge castle. no one noticing you and you barly noticing them or when they dont do anything untill you really anger them.

all i could think of was rose and all the senarios that could have happened. they all had one thing in commen, they ended with her dead. and it scared me.


authers note:

i know this is short but i wanted to get this out. hope you enjoy.

please vote comment and fan.

best wishes

yo coco


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