Chapter 5: in the front your the first to fight.

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-Rose POV-

this cant be hapening! not to me!

if someone told me a week ago i would be acsepting the "honer" of being the most powerfull dhampire in the world and the youngest to ever aceve the "honer"! i might just have shiped them away to an asilem for fear of insanity. but her i was taking my oaths. it was like lissas cerimony only i didnt get a crown at the end i got 5 stakes each with a diferent couler handle; red, blue, green, white and purpal. to represent the eliments. the spirit one lissa had been entrusted to create.

"i swear on my life i will!" i finaly said.

then i got a belt with 5 spaces to put my new stakes. one by one i ecsepted them bowed then walked back out the hall. there was nothing left to do and if my mother was gonna throw another party then i was not atending.

-2 hours later-

there was a banging sound on my door but i picked up my pillow and shoved it over my ears. i didnt start running the Dhampires till tomorow. the banging sound grew more insistent so i yelled "Who is it? Whats going on?"

"Victoria!" a voice said

"who the hell and what you want?!" i yelled back. the knoking died down.

"the queen needs you!" she sighed i raced to the door relising i had been ignoring the bond and lissa was in a meating room!

"coming." i said then steped outsideand looked at her she looked familier but i coulfnt quite place it. "do i know you?" i asked.

she kept her head up high and back strait. obviasly new soon she will be slouching and hufing. i laughed at the thought "no now if you would follow me i will show you where she is."

"i already know. down the hall, take a left, follow the sairs down get of on the second floor and the second room on your right corect?" she just nodded.

"how did you..?" she asked steping back.

"spirit bond!" i laughed "you gotta know the queens a spirt user?" i asked canfused.

"yeah of corse." she looked at me eyes going wide "sorry you just look like someone i have been tought to hate!" she shook her head at that.

"ah, Z-may?!" she nodded "old man?" i mumbled "really needs to learn how to not look like a rainbow?!"

she laughed "how you know i didnt relise he was that well known." she sighed.

"he isnt" i sighed "im guessing your from russia?" i half asked half staited.

"yeah just got here for training next year ill be a full guardian and under your controle!" she smiled.

"good luck with your tests." i sighed

"good luck with your position." she smiled then i walked of to find lissa.

-Viktoria POV-

i just talked to the famos guardian hathaway. i didnt know much about her just that she ran away. it was about the time dimitri left for his oh so special mission. eh show of.

i was gonna se him tonight! my brother! since i had came here he had taken the position of the queens head guardian since the other guardian hathaway had backed out. i walked swiftly to the bakery and sat down. i would be waiting for dimitri for about 1 hour but i didnt mind it gave me time to think about what had happend before he left 2, 3, or 4 years ago. i had honistly forgotern how long it had been. he said he would visit i even heard he was in russia guarding. TASHA! why tasha. it was the main reson i hadent seen him.

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