Chapter 23: Abel

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-Abel POV-

after i heard the proficy in my head i decided to go to court to tell my father what was going on, i had just watched my sister drain the life out of a group of around 30 strigoi and had the rest of them folow her to a motel, creapy doesn't begin to cover it.

at least i knew that she wasn't going to be at court before me.

as i set off i made sure that my sister was still in one of my friends motel.

"Who you got here?" i asked him with a grin.

"We got a teen who looks like he's gonna smoke himself to death before he's 21," i had to role my eyes at that. "An old couple from england who's car broke down and had to stay the night." it was his turn to role his eyes. "And a group of teens with a guy who passed out." he chuckled. "Partys." he roled his eyes.

"I know what you're on about." i laughed. if the group were still here it ment i could meet up with dad and talk before she went to court, if she went to court. she was ment to be dead. she knew nothing about me since she only met abe about what? a year, two years before.

it could have been clarity, the new head of the Dhampires, she was a khemsiri and seemed strong. people said she had only fire but there was somthing off about her. that was probably who it was since there was no other way that was logical that it could be my sister or anyone else.

"Well i got to go, got a weekend with the fokes" i told him with a small cringe at the end, my mother had died but no one other than abe and me knew who my reall mother was, and we want to keep it that way.

"Goodluck, oh and i heard about the death of a mazure and since there arnt meany people with that sir name i have to ask, are you related?" he asked me and i cringed.

"My sister." i mumbled and he sighed in understanding and regret.

"Oh i'm sorry man i didn't know." he told me as he gave me a small apolagetic smile.

"No problem." i said with a slight smiled. "I never even met her anyway, only my half sister." i told him with a smile.

"Oh." he sighed running a hand through his hair. "As i said i didn't know." he told me and i shrugged it off.

"Nevermind man don't wory, whats done is done, it's over it happend." i sighed and gave him a tight smile. "I really should be heading off now though so see you some other time?" i asked and he nodded.

"Sure." he shrugged and i left the building and went over to my sleek black BMW 4x4.

i smiled as i sliped behind the wheel and began the drive to court. i was gonna arive just after nightfall, maybe around 9-10 o'clock at night.

i stopped off at a shop to get snacks then i drove. it was early in the morning around abour 8 when i actuly began my journey so i just leaned back and perpared myself for the long journey ahead.

when i was about 4 hours away from getting there i got a phone call from my dad, abe.

"Hello." i said as i put the phone on bluetooth after conecting it to the cars radio.

"Hello my son i have news." he told me and i rolled my eyes. he'd probably scared another alcamist family half to death! whopy!

"And what news is this?" i asked as i stoped at a red light only to have some girls oggle me and my car.

"Your uncle is at court but my cousen seems to have dissapered well i don;t actuly know what she is to me but cousen is probably the best way to describe this." he sighed and i almost laughed.

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