Chapter 2

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You seem really into the little crossover so yeah, here's  another chapter. I've been sitting on this for a day or so and I'm excited you like it so here ya go! Obviously I'm not incorporating current Mayans plots really, it's too much with Katie and the Sons etc, hope that's okay! Xoxo please vote and comment!

Angel opened the apartment door for Coco, peeking around for any eyes on them, and shuffled him in quickly before shutting the door.

"This feels shitty," Coco remarked.

"I know," Angel grumbled. "SAMCRO," he grabbed the shirt off the couch. "That's Packer's club, a charter up north, ain't it?"

"SAMCRO, SAMDINO, it's gotta be," Coco said, leaning his weight on the arm of the loveseat. "What else you pick through?"

"Nothing," he shrugged. "Not yet."

"Come on," Coco said, standing up and pushing Angel toward the bedroom. "She tell you anything?"

"Not more than she told you or Bish or the others," Angel sighed, feeling Coco's eyes on him. "I know she had kids."

"Ah shit," Coco looked surprised. "Where are they now?"

"Dunno," he shrugged. "I don't know if she even knows."

"Closet," Coco pointed to the corner of the room. He looked behind her clothes and on the floor but there was nothing but black clothing and boots. Reaching up on the shelf he felt the cool steel on what he knew was a safe. "She's smarter than this," he said, giving it a yank. He fell back, stumbling blindly, until he hit the corner of the bed.

"Idiot," Angel chuckled. "Watch for the wet spots," he joked.

"If they're hers I'm gonna roll around on them," Coco said, going right back at him. They were always trying to one up each other in one way or another and that day it was in grossness.

"They're mine," Angel said, pulling the nightstand over to the closet. "It's bolted in."

"That's smarter," Coco chuckled, off the bed now. "Still a shitty hiding spot."

"Don't think she's got many options." He looked at the safe for a second once he got to eye level. "Combination."

"Her birthday?"

"Don't know it," Angel grumbled.

"Shit she ain't telling you anything," Coco laughed.

"I didn't ask," he said defensively.

The keys beeped as he typed in his first guess, the red light flashing green twice before the door audibly unlocked.

"You got it?" Coco said in disbelief.

"I had a hint," Angel shrugged but didn't elaborate. He pulled the contents out from the safe and sat on the edge of the mattress. "Kids," he said, passing Coco the first picture.

"Shit," Coco said as he looked at the photo. "She really is a mama."

"Yeah," Angel said distractedly. "She ain't Katrina Tyler, social security card says Katherine Feldstein."

Coco laughed. "That's a white name, a really white name."

There were more pictures Angel flipped through with little interest until a couple of Harley's caught his eye.

"SAMCRO," he remarked as he handed a picture of Happy, Jax, Tig and Juice on their bikes out front of her and Happy's home.

Coco grabbed the photo of the kids and held it next to the one of the four men. "Who's the baby daddy?"

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