Chapter 26

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Katie knew Angel. Katie knew men like Angel, she'd filled her life with them. So when he left the hospital she could tell he was on a mission, she could see he was on edge, even though he tried to hide it. Seeing the signs she did what she knew she shouldn't, she followed him. When he got to the dress shop she knew there wasn't much further she could go without being found out.

"Hey," she called out. "Where you going?"

"Shit," he grumbled. Turning on his heel he shook his head. "What are you doing?"

Katie glared at him, hands on her hips, and rolled her eyes. "I want to know what you know, Angel. My kid got hit by a car, her dad and my husband are in the ICU. I'm on edge, I want to know why and who and how and I know you know something."

Scowling, Angel huffed and stared at her as if he could get out of it with a dirty look. "I'm looking into who hit Charlie."

"Where did you get a lead?"

"Charlie," he sighed.

"I'm going with you," she said staunchly.

"No, you're not, it's too dangerous," he snapped.

"I don't care," she snapped back. Their voices echoed off the walls of the empty building.

"The last time you were over there I almost lost you," his voice cracked. "Fuck, I did lose you but at least I know you're still breathing and you're happy. I don't want to see you catch another bullet, I don't want you to get hurt again. I couldn't even keep Charlie safe for twenty goddamn minutes!"

Seeing him about to break down, Katie softened and ran to him. "Hey, it's okay."

"It's not okay," he admitted. "I love you, I love Charlotte and I'm trying to keep you two safe."

"I can help you," she said quietly. "I'm not going to sit back and let you save the day and put yourself at risk. I love you too, Angel, more than you know, so we're doing this shit together."

"That love is gonna kill me, mi dulce."


Angel and Katie made there way to the newest rebel camp and when they arrived she knew immediately why he was so upset before. He grabbed her as she attempted to jump out of the truck.

"Wait here."


"Please," he begged.

Katie rolled her eyes but relented. "Fine."

Angel leaned over and kissed her lips, just a quick peck, and hurried out of the truck and out of sight. Katie waited a minute or two before following him, again. She blamed him, he should have known better to assume she'd listen.

Katie saw him talking to Adelita, a face she instantly recognized, and with the conversation looking as heated as it did Katie moved closer.

"It wasn't me," she said defensively. "It was Galindo's call."

"Carried out by your people," Angel snapped. "Working for Galindo wasn't supposed to mean running down kids, you're becoming what you fought against, Adelita."

"She did this?" Katie bellowed. Coming out from her hiding spot Katie went off and punched Adelita in the jaw sending her stumbling back into the sand. "You did this to my kid? After you kidnapped her?!" When she lifted her leg to kick Adelita, Angel grabbed her.

"Hey," he barked. "Cool it."

"She almost killed Charlotte," Karie screamed. "Fucking psycho bitch."

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