Chapter 8

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I can't thank you enough for all the comments and votes. You're the friggin' best! Seriously you are! Xoxoxo

Katie and Angel went the rest of the tunnel hand in hand, EZ and Coco ahead of them, until they came out on the other side. The sun was setting already, not the best lighting for what they had to do, but there was no waiting.

"Truck's right up here," Angel said, pointing up at the road.

"Jesus," she said, slightly overwhelmed. "What the hell are you guys coming out here for?"

Coco and Angel looked at each other and both shook their heads. "Club shit," Angel said knowing she'd be even more suspicious but having no other semi-legitimate excuse. "We'll talk," he said quietly as Coco and EZ scrambled up the embankment.

"Okay," she nodded. "Gimme a boost," Katie told Angel as she grabbed EZ's hand and climbed up.

"When we get there, lemme talk to Adelita and then if she's still giving me shit-"

"No fucking way," Katie said quickly. "Bitch is gonna give me my child, Angel. She had a chance to do the right thing when you went to her but she didn't. There's no negotiation."

Angel hid his smile, both proud of her and incredibly turned on by the display, and grabbed his phone from his pocket. It was a text from Bishop.

"SAMCRO is here. Hired a merc to find the kid based off something you said. I hope you know what the fuck you're doing."

Shoving his phone away again, Angel banged his head against the headrest. He'd keep the information to himself until after they got Charlotte so they could deal with one problem at a time. Right then, his focus was on her and the rebels.

"I'm nervous," Katie admitted quietly.

"I get it," he said, checking his gun as they got closer. "Just get her and get back to the truck okay?"

Katie nodded. "What? You look upset."

"I'm good," Angel told her. Leaning forward he squeezed both Coco's and EZ's shoulders. "No colors when we get out, alright? Low profile shit."

Watching as he slipped his leather off, Katie had a sinking feeling in her gut. "Hey," she said quietly. "What is it?"

"If there's any eyes on us I wanna keep em' guessing."

Katie knew wherever they were going the people already knew Angel and the guys and that they Mayans so this was more than just intriguing to her but, she didn't care, not right then at least.

A long ten minutes or so later they came upon the camp and Katie's hands instantly began to tremble as she reached for the door. Angel grabbed her wrists and gave her a sad smile.

"Might wanna wait till we stop," he said with a wink.

Katie nodded, growing painfully impatient, and once the truck came to a complete stop she bounded out of the truck with Angel and the others close behind.

"Charlotte?" She hollered out, seeing Adelita and a few other adults with guns moving quickly to check who had arrived. "Where's my daughter?"

"Angel," Adelita said, ignoring Katie. "You brought an outsider?"

"I brought Charlie's mom," he corrected her ratherly smugly.

"Charlotte?" Katie yelled again, louder, charging forward despite Adelita standing confidently trying to block her. "Get. Out. Of my way."

"I'd listen to her, Adelita," Angel warned.

She did, stepping aside, and Katie ran as fast as she could in the sand yelling for her daughter. Charlotte emerged from a tent looking confused, rather than happy or excited, until she saw her mother. Her eyes grew wide and she immediately began to cry.

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