Chapter 7

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"Hey Chucky," Angel said as he entered the office. "Gimme a minute."

"Don't say anything," Katie laughed, holding up her hand to stop him. "Just go."

Chucky nodded and left with a smile.

"That's one weird dude," Angel chuckled as the door shut behind Chucky. "I'm back," he smiled sweetly at her.

"Everything went alright?" She asked, reaching over the counter to hug him. Katie held onto his neck and squeezed, her nails scratching the short hair on the back of his head.

He smiled into her neck and squeezed her back. "Yeah, it was fine," Angel assured her. "Weird as fuck, but fine." As they separated, he cupped her cheek for a moment before stepping all the way back.

"What happened?" She pointed to his hand.

Angel shook his head. "I got pissed, did it to myself."

Katie nodded and continued on. "I talked to Bishop, we're good."

Angel seemed surprised but he knew he should have expected it. With everything else on his mind it hadn't even occurred to him.

"What'd he say?"

Quickly she recounted the conversation for him and again assured him that she was fine with it, she even felt better afterward before forcing the next subject. "Tell me about the boys," she said pleadingly. "My boys, did you see them? How were Happy and Jax? I want to know everything."

Angel nodded and took a deep breath before starting. "The babies looked good, they were fat and smiling."

Katie smiled at that and nodded, fighting back tears. "And Happy? Jax?"

"They were alright," he shrugged. "It was work and we just met, but they seemed uhh, tense."

Nodding, she sat back on the little stool and hunch forward, head in her hands. "Were you able to find anything else out? What they think?"

"They were spun out, seemed really fucking crushed," he admitted. "There wasn't a violent feel, it seemed like they just really wanted you both back."

"Retaliation has a different aire than sorrow," she sighed. "What did Alvarez say?"

Angel looked at her, head cocked to the side, "That's where shit got mixed up. He's got some loyalty to SAMCRO, said they were tearing through northern Cali, killing people, they were real fucked up. If they find out you're down here, especially after we did the run with them, and we know their story, it's gonna draw blood."

Katie shook her head and stood up again, beginning to panic. The last thing she wanted was to bring any trouble to the Mayans especially Angel. "What if I don't want to go back? It's not like I can just be handed over or you're keeping me here. I'm not their property and I'm not yours," she spat. "Happy cheated on me, I don't want that shit."

Angel nodded, "It's not about handing you over. It's about knowing and not saying shit," he sighed. "You wanna stay, we can find out for sure if you're at risk from the IRA or the Sons, then you tell em' you're alive and safe, you take your boys and come back."

"Even if that was possible," she shook her head. "I make shit money, Angel, I couldn't support myself and the boys, and when we find Charlotte it'll be even harder."

"I can help you," he offered.

She shook her head, "No. Besides, I've been obsessing since I found out you were up there, thinking about my boys and what their life has been like. Obviously it's not as bad as I thought, and they...they don't remember me, they don't miss me. In Charming they have their Dad, Gemma, Jax, their uncles. How can I take them away from that?"

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