Chapter 22

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Katie sat, enjoying the complete silence of the waiting room, and closed her eyes leaning her head against the wall. She was beginning to doze, barely ten minutes into Charlotte's therapy session, when her phone interrupted her zen like moment. She begrudgingly grabbed it from her bag to see an unexpected name on the screen.

"Angel," she said sweetly. "What's up?"

"Mama," he cooed. "How you doin'?"

She smiled, loving the smooth sound of his voice, and sighed. "I'm alive, it's the best I can ask for. You?"

"Pretty much the same," he said woefully. "Listen, we heard your baby daddy is coming down. I was just looking for something, a head's up on what he wants."

"My baby daddy?" She almost laughed. "Wait, you mean Jax?"

"Uh huh."

"Fuck," she hissed. "I didn't even know. I don't think anybody does but I can take a wild fucking guess why he's making the trip."

"Not on this phone?" He assumed.

"Yeah, definitely not on this phone," she sighed. "Charlie's at the doctor, I'm waiting for her, as soon as I get outta here-"

"Why don't we meet halfway?" He suddenly offered. "I miss those blue eyes."

She felt a pang in her stomach when he said it. "Angel," she whined.

"Hey, you really think this isn't gonna implode?" He suddenly sounded more serious. "I miss you, like painfully, but I called for business...not pleasure."

"If things go sideways who is gonna be gunning for him?"

"I dunno, not Mayans, probably just Galindo unless he made a deal with the Rebels too."

"I wouldn't be surprised at this point," she grumbled.

"How is Charlie?" He asked quickly.

"She's okay...I think. I honestly don't know, I'm terrified for her."

Angel had such a soft spot for the girl he felt his heart sink a little. He had hoped being home with Katie would be all she needed but clearly not.

"I'm sorry," he said sadly. "I'm heading out now, get a jump on you. Hit me up when you leave, we'll figure out where to meet and I'll bring you back."

"You're sweet," she laughed. "I'll see you soon."

"I don't want you going," Happy said to Katie angrily. "This is a cartel, baby. They'll saw your goddamn head off."

Katie was already throwing a few things in an overnight bag despite his protests. "So you want me to let him get his head sawed off?"

"I don't give a fuck about Jax," Happy began to shout. "Let em'! They can fuck his neck after, I don't care. I care about you and the kids."

"Angel will be there," she told him. "He's meeting me, bringing me back, he won't let anything happen to me."

"Bullshit," he growled. "Even more reason not to let you go."

For a fleeting moment she was 25 again, fighting with an enraged and possessive Happy and Katie actually loved the memory. It was raw but it was simple and much less dangerous.

"You think something will happen?" She asked, hands on her hips.

"I didn't say that."

"Then what's wrong with him being there?"

"I don't trust him," Happy admitted.

"After everything he did for me you don't trust him?"

"I know he won't hurt you," Happy said, suddenly sad, "But I know there's still something there."

"Oh baby," she whimpered, moving toward and holding his face between her palms. "I picked you. I came home with you, remember?"

"I do," he groaned.

"Then trust me," she whispered. "I can't bring you, that makes it club business. Right now it's my idiot baby daddy being stupid and I'm going to try to talk my friends into keeping his head attached and his neck wound un-fucked. Okay?"

Happy kissed her fiercely, his fingers gripping fig her hips and leaving tiny red prints that would soon be bruised. "Lemme leave you with some fucking marks."

"I have to go," she moaned as his teeth sink into her neck. "Hap, come on."

"Shut up," he told her as he pushed her down on the bed. Her smile was hidden behind her hair but he could see her eyes lighting up and he knew she loved it.

Happy threw her onto the bed and quickly locked the bedroom door, a habit he had to pick up quick after she returned home, before undressing.

"You're still hot as fuck, even for an old man," she teased as he crawled over her.

"Not too old to make you beg," he growled.

"You won't get a peep outta me," she threatened as he peeled her clothing off. "You can try though."

Foreplay was rushed, as they were on a time limit,  but Happy was sure to completely satisfy Katie before even thinking about himself. He left a trail of love bites up and down her thighs before hiking his arms under her knees and running his tongue against her. Happy teased her, the little moans and frustrated huffs he heard only egging him on.

"I have to go," she reminded him, her nails digging into his scalp. "Please hurry."

"Is that you begging?" He asked, looking up at her from between her legs.

Katie glared at him. "Fuck it. I'll take care of myself." Before she could even move her hand he went back to work, expertly lapping and flicking his tongue and in nearly record time she was wriggling and moaning his name.

"Don't forget," he growled, crawling over her again and eagerly entering her. "You're mine."

Despite their romp, Happy was not content to let her go with hickory and bruises. He was going to escort her to the meeting spot. Driving behind in his pickup, his disapproval was more intense with each mile.

"I don't want to go back," Charlotte told Katie as they drove. "Can't I just go with you the whole way?"

"I don't think so," Katie said apologetically. "It might be dangerous, Charlie. I have to make sure your dad is okay and I can't do that if I'm looking after you too."

"I just-"

"Please," Katie sighed. "You asked to come for the first half, just so you could see Angel, and you promised you'd go back with Happy."

"I wanna see Coco and EZ too," she complained.

Katie was growing annoyed. "Let me think about it."

"Really?" Charlotte asked excitedly.

"Yes, but don't get your hopes up. I'm going to see what Angel thinks before I decide."

Charlotte was sure she could get him to convince Katie but she knew Happy would make it more difficult.

"Why is Daddy back down there?"

"Work," Katie said simply.

"Oh," Charlotte said dramatically. "You mean the drug cartel."

"Sweetie, it's not something we talk about anymore. You and Miss Nancy decided it was better this way. Remember?"

"I know," she huffed.

"And that means no eavesdropping either."

Charlie grumbled something under her breath and stared out the window. She was beginning to wonder if her plan to get back to Santo Padre was going to work at all.

Heyyy! Comment pretty please! I love hearing what you guys think so please let me know! Xoxo

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