3. Appointment with the doc.

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Next day was also like every other day for me. Mumma woke me up in the morning, I got ready in my casuals, did breakfast with my family and was sitting in the living room listening to some songs on my iPod.
Doctor had suggested me to divert my mind and indulge in something, rather than sitting idol and thinking about past. He said that It will be like a brain exercise and memory booster for me.

I like listening to slow romantic numbers, they soothe my mind in different way and give me sense of relaxation. But after listening to them I feel a loneliness in my heart that something is missing.....a part of me is not with me.

I don't know why these kinds of thoughts are coming to my mind now a days. May be because my mind was shut down for a long span of 2 years. May be it is not ready to accept that I have lost 2 years....2 valuable years of my life.
May be.........................who knows??

"Sia, we have a 2 pm appointment. It's already 12 pm. So have something and then go and get ready." Mom shouted from the kitchen
"No Mumma. I am not feeling like to eat anything" I replied to her
"But beta, you have to take medicines na.....now come on....ok atleast have some juice" she said while coming out from kitchen with a glass of orange juice.
I took the glass from her hands and drank it.
Then I went to my room and changed into a full sleeves tshirt, jeans and a loose sweater over it.
When I came out mom was ready with her purse and all the hospital documents.
Usually dad accompanies us whenever we go to the doctor but today he had some important meeting so he went to the office early in the morning. So we are going with the driver as neither mom nor I know driving.

In the hospital

We reached hospital at 1.40 pm and were waiting for our turn. As the receptionist called out my name, we both entered inside the doctor's cabin.
Dr. Mehra was seated on his chair. We greeted him and he smiled at us. Then I took my usual seat that is on the comfortable recliner chair.
He came and got seated beside me on the normal chair.
He took a look on previous reports and prescriptions and started with the therapy.

"So, how are you now sia?" He asked me in his usual cheerful voice
"Better" I replied in one word
"Hmm...so are you still having those dreams?" He enquired
I nodded in a yes
"And how's your sleep? Is it getting any better?" He again asked
This time I shakes my head as no.
"Sia, this is not done. Every time I tell you to answer my questions in full sentences, but you always say one or two words or only nod your head. You have to share your thoughts dear...then only we can help you in coming out of this depression of yours" he said to me looking into my eyes.
I didn't reply him and fidgeted with my fingers.
He again said " Sia, you are of my daughter's age, I am like a father to you, you can share what is there in your mind, with me."
I took a deep breath and said " Uncle, I get too bored sitting in home all the time, I am not used to it....and on the top of that mom, dad and Karthik don't let me do anything. Thus, the thoughts keep coming on my mind."
"Hmm.....ok Sia, you just wait outside. I will write down your medicines and explain it your mother in the mean time." He said and I took his leave, stealing a last glance at Mumma.

Sia mom's POV

Dr. Mehra asked Sia to wait in the waiting area and then he took his seat in front of me.
"Mrs. Mukherji, have you started telling her about her past or has she remembered something till now?" He asked with a serious look on his face.
"No sir. We haven't.
As you know, Dr. Singh asked us to be mum about it. He said that her brain is very weak at the time and any stress or shock can lead to fits or worsen her condition. He even said that it can lead to a total memory loss." I replied him with tears in my eyes.
" I can understand that, but.......(sigh)" he stopped for a second and then continued " ok, I will talk to Dr. Singh about it and then we will take further actions about her treatment."
He handed me the reports and prescriptions, and I took his leave.

When I came outside the cabin, I realised that Sia is not there.
May be she went to the canteen, I thought.
As I moved towards the canteen, I heard her voice, she was talking to someone. When I looked carefully, she was talking to a pregnant lady. My eyes brimmed with tears seeing this.
I approached her and told her that it is getting late and we should go to home now.

Sia's POV

While mom was in the cabin, I heard a cry, it was coming from other side of the corridor.
I stood up from my chair, and made my way to it. Then I saw a man holding a crying baby in his hands, he was cooing it. I think it was a newborn, as I was standing outside the maternity ward.

Then I noticed a pregnant lady sitting on the chair, she was trying to stand up, but I think it was difficult for her.

I went near to her and asked her if I could help her. She asked for a glass of water and I gave it to her from the water cooler nearby.
She thanked me and I asked her about how many months is she pregnant.

She said, it is 5 months and that she has come here for the ultrasound with her husband.
I don't know but something clicked in my heart, again that longing feeling came back. I was asking her about something when mom came and we headed towards our home in the car as it was getting late.

We reached home at 6 pm in the evening, on the way we had our lunch in a restaurant as I was feeling a bit hungry and had to take my meds.
I went to my room, changed into something comfortable and went to the balcony. As it is winters now, it was already dark outside.
I was staring at the black sky which was devoid of stars.
Just like my life, dark and devoid of any happiness.
I can't led my life like this.... I want to do something.

That's it!

I made my way to the living room , and saw dad was sitting there with mom.
I sat beside him and told him "dadiwanttojoinofficeagain"
"Huh???" He asked me with confused face
"Uhh...dad...uhh...I...want..to join office again." I cleared
"Ok" he smiled
"Ok???" I asked
"Yes, you can join from tomorrow onwards." He said happily and ruffled my hair.
I was confused, I mean they were treating me like a kid since 3 months, they were not allowing me to do anything, hell, even I was not allowed to go outside..... then what happened suddenly??

Sia mom's POV

When we returned home, I called sia's dad and asked him to come home early.
When he came I told him about my conversations with Dr. Mehra. Then without wasting any time, he made a conference call to both Dr. Mehra and Dr. Singh. We talked about the matter and decided that it is better for Sia if she starts living her normal life and joins office. It will improve the chances of her recovery.

We were sitting with Karthik when she came and asked her dad that she wants to join office.
She was confused at first because he said ok in the first time only, but then we told her that it is doctor's suggestion.

I don't know when will she remember everything.......

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