Chapter 23: Unexpected Guest

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Blackness eloped her vision. She put her hand out in front of her and saw nothing. Her eyes were playing tricks on her from the darkness.

She turned to where her phone was and picked it up. She dialed a number. "Hello," A raspy and tired voiced answered, "who is this?" The woman hesitated. "Is this Jungkook?" She asked. She hoped he wouldn't hang up.

"Yes." The man said on the other line. "Please meet me at the park after school." The woman said playing with the end of her shirt. "Who is this?" The question he's been dying for an answer.

"Y/N's mom." She said scared he would hang up after she is so close. The man hesitated for a long time.



You woke up in a confused state. Your alarm didn't go off and your pillow was wet. You felt the wet spot on the pillow confused at the liquid.


Most likely. You've been crying yourself to sleep. It wouldn't surprise you that you cried without knowing. You just ignored and checked the time.


"Shit I'm late." You jumped out of bed and got on an outfit. You went downstairs and headed out the door.

This was the first day of school from the breakup. Your stomach was doing flips and turns making you want to throw up.


You pulled in the school parking lot and it was 7:45. You were late and just another student sleeping in.

You walked through the doors without a care in the world. You hate school and everything about it.

"You're late, sign in." Some teacher said that walked by you. You rolled your eyes and mocked her words. "No shit Sherlock." You said silently to yourself.

You walked into the office to sign in. You couldn't help but here cries from one of the rooms. They sounded familiar, but you brushed it off. You just needed to get to first period.

You knocked on the door for your class, and one of your class mates opened the door for you. "Welcome to class. You showed up surprisingly." The teacher laughed and so did the class.

"Somehow I ended up in first period." You said and the whole class busted up in laughter. "Alright calm down everyone." The teacher calmed the class from the wave of laughter.


You grabbed your lunchbox from your locker and went to lunch. You walked in the lunchroom and the noise of screaming children filled your ears. You saw your friends and sat down with them.

They all looked up as you sat down like you were mad. "Oh you made it!" Jimin said cheerfully. You just looked at him with a straight face. Which looked like you were mad because you have a resting bitch face.

He just looked away not wanting to mess with you. "She's probably on her period." Hoseok laughed and so did everyone else. "And what if I wasn't?" You shot back. They all looked at each other. "I don't know, but that's what everyone says." He said taking a bite of his food.

"Stereotypical." You looked at him and grabbed your lunch. You left the table and headed to your best friend's table. Your girl best friend.

They all looked back at each other from looking at you. "Good job, asshole." Yoongi slapped his arm and just gave him a look.

You walked out of the lunchroom. Your phone buzzed in your pocket. You grabbed it and read a text message.

[Text From: Mom]
   {Meet me at the park after school}

You said 'ok' and headed to 7th period.


The teacher walked over to the phone that wouldn't stop ringing. "Hello." She said listening to voice on the other call. She hung the phone up. "Jimin, student office." She said and everyone in the class said 'ooo.' Jimin got up and opened the door leaving the classroom.

He walked in. He bowed at the person at the desk. "The guidance counselor would like to talk to you, but she is with someone. Take a seat please."

Jimin nodded his head and sat down. He bounced his leg and tapped his finger on his thigh.

The door opened and Jimin stood up putting his hands in his pockets. The man walked out with red and puffy eyes, and tear-stained cheeks. "Jungkook?" He whispered. Jungkook looked at him wiping his tears and walked out of the office.

Jimin walked into the room with his head still turned to Jungkook. He sat down in the chair and so did the counselor. "Do you know why you are here?" She asked. Jimin shook his head no.

"Your grades." She tried to remind his memory. Jimin shook his head still kinda of confused. She sighed leaning back. "This year you are failing almost every class, except gym."

Jimin shook his head more confidently. "Care to explain why?" She grabbed a pen and opened her notebook.

"Uh I don't know." He said shrugging his shoulders. "You don't know?" She laughed shaking her head. "Do you not care or is there something happening?"

Jimin wanted to tell her the truth, but he didn't walk to talk about it or get help. "Well I mean there's something happening, but I don't wanna talk about it."

She shook her head slightly and wrote something in your notebook. "And is this why you have been absent and late to class a lot." She crossed her arms with her hand on her chin.

Jimin shrugged his shoulders again. "I don't know. There's too much happening." He leaned back in the chair sliding forward crossing his arms.

The counselors face was annoyed, but she let it go. This was the most Jimin had every told her. "Care to explain what's happening." Jimin groaned and rolled his eyes. "Obviously not." He said sitting up.

She sighed. "Ok you can leave, but I trust you to go straight to class." Jimin nodded and left the office and headed straight to class.


"Hey Jungkook wanna go food shopping with me? My moms making kimchi tonight." Yoongi said walking fast to catchup with Jungkook. "Uh I would love to, but I have to meet someone at the park." Yoongi didn't question it. Instead he just nodded his head.

"I can wait. My mom won't be home for a while. It won't take that long." Jungkook looked at Yoongi and smiled. He nodded his head.

Yoongi was gonna drive him to the park, since he couldn't walk.


You made it to the park. Your mom wasn't there, so you sat down on the swings. You swayed your legs back and forth lightly swinging.

You heard a car pull in the parking lot, you looked up thinking it was your mom. It wasn't, so you looked back at the ground.

The steps got closer to you. You didn't look up till the steps came to a halt. You raised your head, but it wasn't your mom.

Instead it was Jungkook.

A/N: School is so stressful. I hate it. I've been very busy and had no time at all. So if you know I got BTS tickets, and my concert was Saturday. It was honestly amazing. I can't even describe it with words.

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