Chapter 9: Lie

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You walked into school wearing adidas shorts and a sweatshirt that covered your shorts. It looked like you weren't wearing pants - at all.


You looked up from the speckled ground to see Jimin running up the hallway. With his backpack strap on his shoulder - almost falling off. "Y/N." He said again, when he finally reached you, but this time short and breathy.

He placed his hands on your arms that were pinned at your sides. "Oh hey, Jimin!" You shot a smile at him and looked in his glistening eyes. He gave you a smile back.

He looked down at your legs noticing that your legs looked very bare. You looked down with him. "Unmm... Y/N..... are you wearing pants?" You snapped your head up and gave an annoyed face. You pressed your tongue on the inside of your cheek.

I hate when people and that question. Are you dumb!?

"I'm gonna let you figure it out." You crossed your arms and gave him a deadly look that pierced through his pupils.

The confused black haired boy sat there for a while, thinking. "Yes, Jimin, I left the house without pants." The boy threw on a smirk on his face and you gave him one back. But yours more of a slight smile. He looked into your eyes and you looked at his eyes for a second and immediately got trapped. You couldn't look away.

You both stood in the hallway for minutes - staring in each others eyes. Looking like the lovers that would always make out at their lockers. Jimin leaned in closer - not realizing it. Inches from your lips. You could practically she his eyes sparkling. It almost made you feel like you were in another dimension. Like you weren't at school standing in the hall.

You slightly closed your eyes and tilted your head - ready for him to do the same and kiss you. But something broke your reality. Jungkook. You saw him in your peripheral vision. You - once again - snapped your head to look at Jungkook.

He was walking different. As if he were sad, lonely. He shot a glance at you and noticed what was happening. He walked slightly faster - hoping you wouldn't notice him. His heart was hurting more and more everyday, and today it didn't feel better. It felt worse. After the kiss and lunch, his heart was broken and couldn't be put back together.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I-I'll see you later!" You ran out of his tight grip over to Jungkook. Jimin's arms fell at his side and he looked at the ground. His backpack fell off his shoulder and onto the ground. He shoved his hands in his jean pocket. He looked up from his depressed stage and watched you as you ran into Jungkook's side.

Once again, his heart shattered.


"Jiminie-ah?" You whined. "Yeah?" He laughed. "What happened in the bathroom yesterday?" You questioned. "Nothing much. Just talked to Jungkook for a bit." Jimin lied. He couldn't actually tell what happened, or could he?

I won't tell her that way she won't know Jungkook likes her back, Jimin thought. Jimin knew what he was doing is wrong, but he couldn't help it. Wouldn't every do the same if they were in this situation? Their crush?

"Woah, in the bathroom with Jungkook, ey?" Namjoon teased. "Shut up, Namjoon." Jimin said as he gave Namjoon a slight slap. You laughed along with the other guys. "Where's Jungkoo-"

You couldn't finish your sentence before the bell rang for your next class. The lunch room flooded out into the hallway with students.


"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Soo Jung screamed. "Why aren't you happy anymore!? Am I just making you sad!? Angry?" Soo Jung screamed in Jungkook's face. "No that's not-" Jungkook tried to say before he was cut off by his extremely angry girlfriend. "Do you just want Y/N!? Is that why you look at her so much? I saw you turn sad as soon as she reached for his hand! Pff, who knows what you did in the bathroom." Soo Jung tried to calm herself.

Jungkook was frozen. He couldn't lie to his girlfriend. There was no other way out of this. Jungkook sat there thinking of excuses, but his mind was blank. "Yah! Answer me!" She screamed, snapping Jungkook out of his thoughts. Jungkook flinched at her screams.

"I-I-" It was useless. He couldn't say one word without stuttering. "So you do love her. This whole relationship was a lie, wasn't it?" She chocked on the last sentence. She tried to swallow the lump that was forming in her throat. "N-No I love you. This wasn't a lie." The black haired boy lied.

His girlfriend hissed. She wasn't stupid. She just wanted this fake relationship to end. "I think we should b-break up." She sobbed. She tried to hold back the tears to act strong, but she couldn't.

She loved Jungkook and now she was breaking up a relationship that never existed. That hurt her. "No.. no we can make this work, I promise." This girl was all that Jungkook had right now. "No.. y-you just want to stay together because she's dating Jimin."

Soo Jung put her hands up to her face to cover the tears that were streaming down. Jungkook froze, once again, at the last sentence his girlfriend said. But a matter of fact, every word she said was true.

"I'm sorry Jungkook. You're a free man now. You can have her. I love you Jungkook." With that, the door slammed shut and she left just as fast as you came into his life.

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