Chapter 3: Trust

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He responded!

The worry left your body and face. You were ecstatic. The boy you wanted to talk to for months actually answered. Your lover.

What do I say next!? I forget how to do this!

You were so nervous to ruin this that having a normal conversation was completely new.

Y/N: Hey kookie..... how are you?
Jungkook: I'm great. You?
Y/N: I'm good

The thoughts of the time where this was a normal thing flooded into your mind. You were almost upset. This used to be a everyday thing - a thing with your ex-best friend. You missed this. You missed this a lot.

Y/N: So, um, kook?
Jungkook: Yeah?

This was your chance to ask him the question you've always wanted to ask. You wanted an answer.

Y/N: Why did we drift apart?
Jungkook: I don't know
Y/N: Me either

But the problem was is that Jungkook knew exactly why. He knew why he drifted apart from you. He always thought you liked Jimin. Like love like. Boyfriend like. When he looked over to you and your face was shoved into is his shoulder or chest. It hurt him. He thought you never liked him. He thought you didn't want to be friends with him. The truth is he missed his childhood best friend for those months. He wanted you back, but he knew you liked Jimin and that you only wanted Jimin. Jimin seems so much better than him, so why would you want him? He thought the best way to not get hurt, was to go away. He couldn't stand to see you with Jimin, but he never actually knew if you liked him or not. But Jungkook thought his assumption was correct. Hanging out with you would only make things worst. But he would never tell you the truth. He would never tell you he loves you.

There was one more thing you really wanted to say to him and that was:

Y/N: I miss you [delete]

You couldn't say that right now. Or could you? You needed this right now. You needed to let your emotions out. You needed to tell the truth. But you were Y/N and this was your ex-best friend. You weren't afraid. Well, maybe a little, but this is what you had to do. But you really can't do this. It was too early. You just started the conversation.

What if he doesn't say he misses me back? What if he responds with a k? What if he doesn't respond?

Those were the exact reasons why you couldn't say that. You so badly wanted to, but you just couldn't

[Text from: Jimin]

There goes Jimin. Ruining the moment once again.

Man, this kid is really annoying.

Jimin: Hey Y/N
Y/N: What do you want?
Jimin: Woah! What's with the attitude?
Y/N: Nothing. Just explain
Jimin: Ok then. Wanna hang out with the boys and I tonight?
Y/N: Yeah
Jimin: Oh cool. See you soon!
Y/N: Under one circumstance
Jimin: Ok.... what?
Y/N: Can Jungkook come?
Y/N: Yeah, you have a problem?
Jimin: Yes and no he can't come
Y/N: WHY!?
Jimin: Because I said no
Y/N: Pleaseeeeeee Jiminie :(((((
Jimin: What's with the "Jiminie" all of the sudden?
Y/N: Pleaseeeeeee Chim Chim!!!!!
Jimin: Ok fine, but you owe me ;)
Y/N: Yes!!! Thank you Jimin!! And whatever
Jimin: I'll tell you what it is later ;)
Y/N: Ok yeah got it

You knew those new nicknames would melt his heart into saying yes. You knew your ways around Jimin. After all he was your best friend since childhood. Something you wish you could say about Jungkook, but that was gone now.

Y/N: Jungkook, wanna hang out with the boys and I tonight?
Jungkook: I'm busy tonight, sorry

There was that "busy" thing again.

Again!? Why Jungkook?? Why??

This time you weren't gonna let him get away with this. You were gonna ask what he was "busy" with, finally.

Y/N: Busy? Busy with what?
Jungkook: I'm hanging out with my girlfriend tonight


That same word kept repeating in your head - trying to process what he just said.


You knew you drifted apart, but you didn't think this much where he didn't even tell you he had a girlfriend. After all, he was still friends with the boys.

He thought getting a girlfriend would distract his mind from you. An excuse to get away from hanging out with you. He never wanted to tell you, but he thought this was the time you should know. All these times of saying busy finally got to him. For the first time you asked why he was busy. He couldn't escape this time.

He didn't really love his girlfriend because he loved you. He wanted you to be his girlfriend. Holding you in his arms every night. Snuggling in bed. Singing you to sleep. Being all wrapped up in the covers with you. But he would never have that with his true love. But he couldn't break up with his current girlfriend because she already feel in love with him, and it would only break her heart.

You tightly closed your eyes and squeezed your lips together, but this time, you were about to cry. All you needed right now was comfort. Comfort from someone you love. Someone you trust.

Y/N: Jimin, can you come over?

A/N: I was going to post this chapter yesterday, but I was busy. Also, THE COMEBACK WAS AMZING!!

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