Chapter 1

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It's finally my 20th birthday and I am super excited partly because my parents can finally leave me alone. It's really frustrating that I can never go anywhere and I literally mean anywhere. My parents would always say no to every opportunity to leave without their constant supervision. They would always say that I have to be 20 in order to go out. And yes that includes going out with my friends.

If anyone wants to see me, they would have to come to my place and actually set their eyes on me after being interrogated by my parents for a good 10-15 minutes on average. Some people may find it sweet and caring, but it's only embarrassing, humiliating and utter over-protection; to mention a few. I understand why they do this but still, I would like them to buzz off.

The one person who couldn't agree more is my best friend Noah. He would come up with endless excuses just to try to convince my parents to let me hang out with him outside the house. A few times he almost succeeded and others, not so much. He would rave about this party and that party and every single event known with his vast connections with the popular in school and more importantly, to shove them to my face since I won't be able to attend any.

He has seen me through every single horrible situation possible and trust me, there's a lot. The more important reason why I'm so excited to reach 20; the end of my time as a teenager. My parents have always tell me that it's no big deal, it's only a phase, you'll get over it etc. What they don't understand that it may only be a phase but it's the worst.

With puberty hitting you like a sledgehammer marking the end of your glorious childhood and having to wrestle though hormones, basically it's not an easy job which I believe that people should be awarded for reaching the next stage in one piece and at least a $2000 in their wallet. Levels of peer pressure skyrocket in ways that it's simply unimaginable.

Adults may wonder," It can't be that serious? They're too young to do any damage." Well I have an answer to that. I have seen people lose their moral and standards just in the name of fitting in, teens go to jail because of other teens' influence. Lives have been shattered and ruined all in the name of popularity. So, yes, it's that serious and the damage is destructive.

I almost lost everything; hypothetically of course, for the things every teen wants; acceptance and recognition. Those two are like a drug. Once you get a taste, you will only want more and more. I think it's even worse than cocaine. Want to know where it started, even if you don't, I'll still tell you anyways. 

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