Chapter 2

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My nosedive to ultimate disaster all started with my very first periods. Little 11 years old me was running around the school compound in my white scot and yellow T-shirt with my friends after P.E. I tripped on my shoelaces and hit myself against a pole, barely missing my head. Then suddenly, it happened.

At first, I thought I only peed on myself but when I saw blood, freaking out would be an understatement, I had a dramatic meltdown. I won't lie that I thought I was going to die. No 11 year old is meant to be that traumatized even though they were on Santa's naughty list. I really need to commend God for giving out the worst known punishment known to womankind.

Then I did what all good kids do with such an emergency; ran and tell an adult. Luckily, the first person I thought was the nurse and thankfully, is a female. I think the school board must have thought about such cases and decided that the job should be given to a woman. Or it could just be a coincidence. Whatever's the case, I was grateful.

It must have been awkward for the nurse to see a little girl pacing around the waiting room, crying uncontrollably with a sweater wrapped around her waist. She told me to enter her office and asked what's wrong. I was too scared to say it, so I did the simpler thing; I untied my sweater and turned around.

When she saw the blood stains, she started laughing. Imagine! I'm busy being all depressed and here she is receiving so much joy from the situation. She clearly didn't understand how serious that was for me, I actually though I was going to die. I couldn't believe that woman. Who does she think she is having such pleasure from my demise?

She settled on her seat and rested her chin on her knitted hands. The only thing giving away the serious business demeanor was the smile dancing on her lips. After five minutes of composing herself, she then began explaining to me about changes that take place in girls. In my head I was like "Duh! I learnt that in science class but what does that have to do with me?"

Her next words were what set me off. She claims that I've started puberty. I was in full denial mode. There was no way I could have started puberty! Hello! As far as I'm concerned, I'm still a kid. She kept persisting that I've started my menstrual flow and I kept refusing so much that she finally gave up and called my mum to take me to the hospital.

My mum obviously came looking worried until she saw me in the waiting room with a red stained scot. The nurse gave my mum a look then went back to her office. Once inside the car, she tried to explain to me about the phase I am entering even went as far as taking me to the hospital and asking for a consultation with a female doctor.

By the time Noah came to my place, I had somehow accepted my fate and my mum showed me how to wear a pad and how private it supposed to be. He charged inside my room and demanded me to tell him what happened since P.E because the last time he saw me was that I was running from the washroom all the way to the nurse's office.

I shrugged it off as a minor sickness but his gesture clearly said that he's not buying it. I tried to change the subject but he insisted I tell him what's wrong. How do I tell my best friend that I've just started my periods and soiled my scot? It's not that he will be like, "I can soooooo relate! My first was last week". And he's not the sympathetic kind of guy to add to that.

But I knew what would happen if I don't tell him at all. So I decided to do the most challenging part; keep my mouth shut. And surprisingly, I was doing a good job at it, so good that I had a gut feeling that something will definitely go wrong. Don't get me wrong, I'm not pessimistic; maybe I am, but come on I dodged all of my best friend's attacks and I'm still live?

It was too good to be true, and it was. Just when for once I felt confident that I didn't give in, my mum walked in and simply announced that I started my periods. How? She asked if I was able to place the pad on well and if I soaked my blood stained clothes. So much for it being a secret! And it had to be exposed in the most humiliating way possible.

Noah looked between my mum and me with his mouth ajar. He laughed so hard that tears fell from his eyes as he held onto his sides. Oh great! This is just what I need as the icing to my burned cake. Now he won't let me live it down and true to my word, he makes sure to take full advantage. But what could I say, I would actually did the same thing if I was him.

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