Killer Clown Story (A whole Mess)

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This happened around 2016, when killer clowns were popular. Someone had created a killer clown page on Instagram and followed everyone from my school. They posted pictures of knives, dead people, and named schools that where supposedly next.

My school was on the list.

Some people were freaking out about it and were scared that clowns would come and kill everyone, but others like myself m, were excited.

The next day, everyone was at school, it was second period and no clowns had showed up. Everyone was assuming that it was someone from school just messing around. Second period had soon ended and I was walking down the halls but it was packed, I was thinking, what the hell is going on?

I looked out the window and this little bitch was staring at us. Clowns really did come to our school. Now when I say I was on attack mode, I mean It. If the clown got 2 inches closer to me, he would have caught these hands. The clown kept staring at us and he was tilting his head.

It took us around 10 mins to get the teachers attention but the teachers ended up calling the police and telling us to get to class.

Me being the noisy kid I am, I asked to go to the bathroom to see what was happening. I checked the halls and outside but there was no more clown or cops. The school day had finally ended and me being lucky I had to walk home that day, but I had my running shoes so I was going to be okay.

I was walking, minding my own business when I heard a loud foot step. I know people walk daily but I was tripping because of what happened earlier that day.

I turned around and I saw this little ass clown like 5 feet away. I was scared but my momma ain't raise no bitch. The clown was confused as to why I didn't run and we ended up having a staring contest or something close to that. It started tilting it's head and walking closer.

In my head I was like run fool but I felt like a badass, like this the story imma tell my grand kids. The clown kept walking and I was acting all tough but really I was hoping it would back up. It then stopped and and pulled out a balloon.

I was getting real tired of it so I started to walk away but it kept following me. At this point it was asking for it and I didn't care if I died anyways. Now I don't know if it was a boy or a girl I'm just assuming but I kicked it's balls so far up that it fell and when I tell you I ran faster then the flash... Once I got home I realized it was time for me to move.


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