Birthday Cake

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On October 30th, my daughter Nora Hale was born. She had always been a weird kid until we found out she had some issues. She had breakdowns as early as 3rd grade and sadly, we put her in a mental hospital. It was very hard for us. The weekly visits made my wife Shannon very upset and so I blocked the emails and we never went back. It was easier for us to shut her out and hide the embarrassing fact we had a crazy daughter.

After a few years Shannon started to sleep in the basement. I guess she felt guilty but so did I and I needed her with me. Many years passed and on Nora’s 18th birthday, I asked Shannon to celebrate with me. We got a cake and she asked me not to eat any of it as a memorial to Nora.  Me and Shannon got close and she told me she wanted to sleep with me for the night.

In the middle of the night I woke up and looked at Shannon. She was so beautiful, and for once in 18 years I had felt complete. But then my eyes shifted up and standing above her was a figure covered in darkness. I flipped on the light switch and looked back. It was Nora - and she was holding a knife covered in frosting. She raised it above her head and cut Shannon across the throat. I ran downstairs and sitting on the table was the cake, with a slice taken out of it.

I called 9-11 and told them to send the police as quick as they could. When they got here they loaded up Shannon’s body and asked me if I saw anything. The only thing I managed to say, was that my daughter Nora killed her. The detective nodded and soon after that, the police were gone. So was Shannon.

Days went by and somehow my house felt even emptier. Nora wasn’t found and I was still so confused. One night, I went downstairs and stared at the cake. I hated Nora and so I took it and dumped it into the garbage. Right after, I heard the phone ring in the hallway.

It was the detective on the line. “Hi Mr. Hale, you might be wondering why I’m calling. We have a slight lead on the location of Nora. We checked the records on the asylum she was held at, and...”


“When she was 14 your wife released her from the asylum. We followed the leads to some woods outside of your house and found her body lying next to a gun. Your wife killed Nora.“

The phone dropped from my hands. Standing at the end of the hallway was bloody little Nora, smiling up at me.


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