Purple Heart

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Last summer my friends and I where at a party and looked up interesting games to play. After 10 minutes of searching we found a game called ‘purple Heart’. We played two rounds. I will be explaining both. the first round; my friend (let’s call him Ryan) went first. He layed down on the carpet and the 5 of us surrounded him. After he layed down we all walked around him 3 times chanting ‘purple heart’. Once we finished chanting my other friend (let’s call him carl) began rubbing his temples. we waited until Ryan was in deep sleep. once he finally fell asleep we began asking normal questions like “what’s your name”, “who do you like?” And so on.   Me being the dumbass I am decided to ask scary and creepy questions for it to be interesting.

I began to ask Ryan “where are you”

( I asked him where he was to see if he was actually sleeping before we can ask scary questions)

Ryan replied “ I don’t know? It’s very hot here and dark. I feel something and I am scared.” 

My friend Carl told him to  “look around”.

Ryan began to say “ I have no idea where I am. There is people here and they’re screaming, I think they need help.”

my friends and I instantly knew he was in hell or atleast imagined him. when we first started we thought it’s kind of like sleep talking in away but it wasn’t him. the way he was talking sounded like he was afraid.  We asked Ryan more questions about where he is at. we asked him what he is doing in the ‘hot area’.

He said “ we are in this pool. All of us. With this random tall guy but I can’t really see his face. He told me he is coming”

He told us that this tall guy was coming with us in the pool. he described him as red with long hair. I thought this was some kind of sick prank. Now, what I’m about to tell you next makes this whole ‘hell visit’ nothing. In the rules you aren’t really suppose to ask questions That are not in the website.

I decided to scream out “Ryan you’re in hell right now. Are you okay?”.

Ryan stopped talking. He looked up at me (remember they’re suppose to be asleep) And starts to smirk. A minute after he starts shaking like crazy & screaming for help. we tried waking him up but we couldn’t. We thought we was going to die or be trapped. Luckily he stopped shaking and was fine. I later decided to go home because I was done with this devil bullshit. I look at my phone to see the time and my lockscreen has changed. I had my phone in my pocket the whole time and I never touched it once. the lockscreen changed to random symbols with the numbers 666 in the middle. I freaked out and realized that once we started playing weird things has happened. still from this day I don’t know if my friend changed —my lock screen or if something did happen. that was not my first game but certainly was my last. if you ever want to play ‘purple heart’ I advise you not to ask questions that are not in the website or to not ask scary questions. (Trust me it isn’t worth it.)


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