The Car Game

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I was reading Reddit “no sleep” last night and found a really good article. It has no views and the author is anonymous. It was published a few years before the “scary games” became popular so I think it’s legit.

It works like this: you get in your car and find a highway. At 3:33 you push the gas to 50 and then to 70 and then to 60 and then to 80 and then to 70. When you hit 70 there should be no other cars on the highway. From 70 go to 90 and from 90 to 80 then to 100.

When you hit 100 it says to look out the window and don’t stop your car for 33 seconds. Me and my friends were so bored that we decided to try it.

We got in the car at about 3:10 and stopped at a gas station to get red bull because I was so tired and didn’t want to drive if I was sleepy. I live Nevada so long desert highways are easy to come by. We started the game. There weren’t many cars around but we had a few to keep our eyes on. I accelerated to 50 and then to 70 and then to 60. When we hit 70 again the cars seemed to either slow down or speed up. I didn’t want to break the rules and follow them so we kept going. Then we went to 90 then 80 and then 100. For 33 seconds my friend Carly took out her phone timer and put 33 seconds on the clock. We waited and looked out the window. Nothing was out there but sand for miles. I decided to slow down and we stopped. Nothing happened at all and we were all disappointed. Right as we started to drive back a cop car stopped behind us. I heard him yell step out of the car. 1 by 1 we got our hands in the air. He ran over and cuffed us and took us to the back. He didn’t say anything. In the back of the car, my friend Kyla asked if why he stopped us. He didn’t say any for about 33 seconds. A sigh came out of his mouth and he said “it’s for your safety”. We were so confused but he took us back towards my house. Nothing happened but I didn’t feel right.

On the drive home I saw a light coming from the side of the road. It was one of the cars we saw on the way here. It was on fire.

There were two bodies on the road. They looked bloody and mutilated. My friends were screaming and crying urging the cop to stop. I didn’t feel anything. My whole body was numb. The cop didn’t respond though, his eyes stayed pinned straight forward. We passed car after car. It was haunting and I saw more and more bodies. Even more fire. Kyla was sobbing and Carly went numb just like me. Hours went by till we came back to my house. He never asked my name or looked up my license so I don’t know how he knew where I lived. We got home and I couldn’t think. Carly asked me if I wanted to go get my car and I begged her not to. I couldn’t bear the thought that we caused all that destruction. The only way to clear my guilty conscience was to solve this mystery.

We looked up the IP from the account that posted the game. We went from the location to house listings. Then the receipts of the person that brought the house. His name: Henry Goldman. We looked up his Facebook profile and it was the cop. The only pictures were of a highway.

Eureka. I was stunned but I felt better. We decided to go to the police station to report a fake cop and what we saw. Carly was too scared to come so me and Kyla got in the car. I couldn’t find my keys. Kyla turned on the light and my eyes shifted to the rear-view mirror. Sitting in the back was the cop with a grin on his face.


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