Hello, Old Friend

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It's obvious you're surprised to see me. How long has it been? Twenty years? My, how time flies!

You must be here for Brandon's funeral. Did you know his family left town shortly after yours moved away? If not for his grandmother's inheritance, I doubt he would have returned.

I missed him. I've missed you, too.

Do you remember that summer we explored the caves behind Henderson's farm? Those were good times, weren't they? You were still a child filled with youthful energy.

Do you remember the games we played?

Oh, now I've gone and upset you! Not the best way to start a reunion.

But we had fun, didn't we? Well, you and Brandon had fun. Myself? Not so much. It seems like I was always the target of your youthful aggression.

Wait, where are you going? We're just now getting reacquainted.

I don't mean to stare, but you've become such a beautiful woman. It comes as no surprise. You were a lovey, little girl. Perhaps that's why I endured your constant abuse. To tell the truth, I had a crush on you back then. "Crush." That's a funny word. A bit ironic, all things considered.

Oh, I've gone and upset you again! Please forgive me. It's been years since I've been around other people. Admittedly, I lack social graces.

But back to the caves...

You laughed uncontrollably when Brandon shoved me from behind. I tumbled down the steep incline, arms flailing. Screaming. Did you hear what happened when I hit the ground?

Oh, my, you look so pale! Yes, you most certainly heard my legs snap.

And do you remember what happened soon after? Of course you do. You panicked. As I drifted in and out of consciousness, I heard the two of you talking. You were worried about getting in trouble. After some debate, you took charge and ordered Brandon to use a heavy stone to finish me off. Much like myself, he was not one to say no to a pretty face.

The authorities got involved soon after. There were search parties, but nothing ever came of it.  They checked the caves, of course, but found nothing.

You see, soon after you and Brandon left, _they_ found me. Old, forgotten things rose from the depths of the earth and cradled my shattered skull in their claws. Sympathetic to my suffering, they carried my broken body down into their deep, dark abode. I would like to say they nursed me back to health, but it was too late for that. Instead, they breathed life back into me. How, I do not know, but I am as grateful now as I was then.

So here I am, after all this time, very much the same child you remember, not counting the sad state of my head and legs, and there you are, twenty years older.

And here _they_ are, my good friends, eager to show you the things they showed Brandon.

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