Stop what you're doing. Now Breathe

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Just so you know, this isn't a normal story. If you're reading this, he's already got a firm grasp on you and you need my help to get rid of it. He can't be seen and he can be anywhere at any time. If you ever feel like your shoulders are getting heavier, or you're getting a bad cramp in your neck, then he's already got you. This time you've got me to help you out, but there might not be a next time, so try to remember what I'm about to have you do. It could save you.

* Step 1: Look straight ahead, back straight. Don't focus on what you were doing before, that's how he got you in the first place. Take a few seconds to blink. Manually blink, you've got to clear out some of his influence from your eyes.
* Next; turn your head all the way to the left without moving your body. If you're doing it right, you shouldn't see what you were working on before. Now turn your head all the way to the right. Try not to focus too much on what you were doing before as your vision passes over it. He's got a weird way of drawing you back in, and if you go back now you'll have to start all over again.
* Look straight ahead again. Without turning your head, tilt it to the right, and then to the left. Do this slowly, or he'll realize what you're doing. Do you feel that? His grip should be a little more loose now. You're almost there, just a couple more steps and you'll be done.
* Turn your head upwards, take a second or two to admire the ceiling. Let your eyes focus on the ceiling. The less you look at what he wants, the better. Now look straight down. Do the same thing here, focus on the ground for a second or two. Feeling better? Good, that means he let go.
* Lastly; lift your shoulders like you're shrugging at a bad joke, lift them up as high as you can. Now roll them backward. Do this slowly, it keeps him off longer, and really let's him know that you don't want him back. Now roll them forward. Again, do this slowly, it let's him know that you mean business. With this done, he shouldn't try to grab you immediately after I'm done helping you.

Now that you've shaken him off, take a second to check how you're sitting. He likes to grab a hold of those that sit back, leaning into the back of their chairs. It makes them easier targets. He also likes to lean on those that slump forward with their shoulders, arching their back, so make sure you're sitting straight too.

That's it! If you feel a little lighter and more refreshed it means you followed the instructions perfectly and he won't bother you again for a while. Don't bother trying to save or share this chapter. Those who don't need it can't see it, and now that you don't need it either, it'll be gone before you know it. Hopefully you've memorized the steps.

Oh one more thing, don't forget to breathe

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