The Clicker

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    Me and my friends decided to camp overnight in the forest by our town. By forest, I mean a few acres of land covered in bushes and hills. We found a clearing and set up some chairs and tents.

At first we played truth or dare. Who knew such a classic game could be so boring? It ended up stopping and we all wondering what to do. My friend suggested telling a ghost story. The girls screamed and tried to get him to stop, but he ignored them.

He told a long story but I'll shorten it for the sake of time. His great grandpa actually had a twin. They were playing in this exact forest until they heard the clicking of some crickets. It began to get louder and louder until his brother started coughing.

He bent over, and spit up a huge cricket. Yes, a cricket. That means he was tagged by the Clicker. The Clicker was an 8 foot humanoid monster that was only skin and bone, with no facial features but a wide mouth. The most notable feature was the clicking sound it made.

He and his twin ran but the clicker caught up with them and his brother was never seen again. The story itself was very cheesy but it was made creepy punctuated by the chirping of crickets all around us. One of the guys pretended to spit a cricket up and the girls screamed.

From that point, we all passed out in our tents. I woke up a few hours later to retching from another tent. Then screaming. I opened the zipper and got out. My friend's tent was being held in the air by an 8 foot, white scaled monstrosity.

All of us  were staring up at the Clicker ripping apart my friends tent. The thing tore it in half and my friends body fell on the ground. It then, grabbed his neck and crushed it. All of us started running away. It's hard to run faster than something with 5ft long legs, and one by one the clicker grabbed each one of my friends. I don't know what happened to them, but their screams were enough to tell me to not stop and look back.

It's hard to run faster than something with 5ft long legs, and one by one the clicker grabbed each one of my friends. I don't know what happened to them, but their screams were enough to tell me to not stop and look back.

I drove down the road for a bit until my car lights highlighted a large figure standing in the center of the road. The Clicker. I didn't stop though. I pressed the gas all the way down and rammed it head on. My windshield shattered and the clicker flew over my car into a heap. I stopped, wiped off the blood and glass, and got out of my car. I walked over to its body. It was twitching, and the clicks were gradually getting slower and quieter.

All at once, it stopped twitching and dissolved into a pile of crickets that jumped away into the forest. I wouldn't even believe myself if I told this story. But I drove away into the night, finally over with this nightmare.

Suddenly, I felt a prickle in my throat and a loud click. I started to gag. I was coughing. It hurt so bad. The clicking was getting louder and faster. And a cricket popped out of my mouth.

I looked into my rear view mirror, and saw skin forming over my eyes and nose. My hair was falling off, and the skin I did have, turned pearl white. My mouth broke open to both ends of my face.

I didn't have a nose but I could still smell the scent of fresh blood on my windshield. I didn't have eyes but I could see better than ever before. The clicker never killed the Grandpas twin. His twin became the clicker. And the legend will live on.

So next time, you hear the peaceful chirping of crickets, remember that I am somewhere out there, waiting for you.

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