My Ouija Board Expierence

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   So this all starts like 3 years ago when I was 14 or 15. I’ve always been interested in spirits and I always watch shows and documentaries about them but what I got myself involved in was way more than just a “spirit.” I have an older sister and an older brother who are also very interested in the spirit world and how dimensions work and such. I guess they got too curious because one day they came home with an Ouija board. (DO NOT USE ONE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES) prior to this or even any. Interest in spirits, we had known that my house had lots of them in it. Doors will close, toys go off, the basement is the eeriest place ever. There’s this big hole in the wall of my basement that’s actually a crawl space(my house is very old so we’re not sure why that’s there) but we found a lot of belongings down there that aren’t ours.
One time my dad found a ball in the tv room, so he rolled the ball out to the play room and it came bouncing back. You’ll be walking and hear someone whisper Your name directly in your ear. Things will go missing and show up in the most obvious spot where there’s no way it could’ve been. It’s obvious there’s spirits here. Anyway so John and jade were about 19-20 at the time and they invited me to do the board with them. I was scared but I said I would. At first it was nothing, but then it moved a little bit, it was obvious it took a lot of effort for it. We would move the board into different rooms of the house and contact different people. In my siblings room, we contacted a little boy. It was really hard for him to move the planchette and we weren’t sure why. He spelled out “tar” and then made the planchette point toward me. We had thought it was weird because every other time we played and I was there, the spirit would say tar when we asked why it was so hard for them to move the planchette. So we tried to go into more depth but it was just too hard for him to move it so we said goodbye. First mistake. We moved it to goodbye, He did not. After that every time we used the board it was him and a woman. They said they followed and protected me everywhere I went and although it was a bad feeling, I was happy because I’ve always felt nobody cares about me. Mistake 2. I invited them into my life. Basically told them they could continue following me.
Now when you’re using an ouija board you never know for sure who you’re speaking to. If it’s malevolent it will lie and trick you and they purpose is to deceive, it’s what They do best. I was certainly deceived. We kept using the board but it only got weirder.  The spirit began telling me to never use one again and to get off right this second but she wouldn’t say goodbye. She wanted me to leave but she just wanted me to take my fingers off. (Never take your fingers off without saying goodbye). Every day she would remind me. We became addicted to the board and it was basically all we thought about. “I can’t wait to get home so we can use the board” we were in a Trap and we were addicted to it. We used the ouija board a lot and a ton of stuff happened, I’m just trying to give the basic story line that leads up to this one event.. we took the board into our backyard where they said there were hundreds of spirits dying to get their hands  on the planchette to tell their story. We talked to one girl who said she was victim of a recent apartment fire. My sister asked her to prove her strength (mistake 3. Never test a spirit) stuff started falling off the Porch. At this point you’d think we were terrified, right? Nope. We thought it was amazing. It’s like we were so addicted we completely ignored the fact that these are ghosts and possibly even malevolent creatures we were inviting into our home. But we kept playing the board. And still every time, I was told not to play. Sometimes it wouldn’t even work with me in the room.  One evening we were playing in the kitchen. It was very very hard for the spirit to move the planchette. It was the woman Who is attached to me. She told me to completely erase ouija boards from my life. To never research and to never use one again. We kept asking her questions and she was getting mad telling me to stop playing.  And then from my right arm I’m tugged back into the wall (trying to keep my fingers on the planchette for the life of me,) and scratches appear on my arm. We quickly say goodbye and right there I said I was never touching one again.

A few days later I walked down to tutoring A MILE AWAY FROM MY HOUSE. I got into the building and I finish my school work so I begin to look up ouija stories to see if anyone had experienced anything similar and how to make it stop. I couldn’t sleep at night I always felt something watching. All the time. In my room, the kitchen, the tv room, even the bathroom. At night when I would be just about to fall asleep, this horrible face would pop up right in front of mine and I’d be awake again. I was being sleep deprived. I was doing online School and only slept when I was supposed to be working. It got so bad that I got physically sick from it. Anyway, I’m at my tutoring office and I begin to look up stories to see if it ever stops, and the second I click on the one I think I’m going to relate to, scratch marks appear all over my neck, my cheek, my arms. My friend looked over TERRIFIED and asked what happened with actual fear in her eyes. But I calmly got up and said “allergic reaction” closed the laptop and walked home. I had no safe spots anymore. None left. I still don’t know how to get rid of them. I always feel something watching Or something on me and I don’t know how to make it stop. I’ve ignored it for a long time and no big things have happened, but I know they’re still watching me. I haven’t touched a ouija board since then and I never plan to ever again. Please if you’re reading this, they are not to connect with loved ones, it is purely evil, bad or malevolent spirits. Nothing else. The feeling never stops. I feel like something is watching me now. I’m not even supposed to talk about this but I wanted to tell the Story for others considering using a board. Never do. It is so much more than just a game.


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