I should've known it was her.

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It was always her. She's been in and out of my life ever since I was a baby, although I didn't know it was her at first.

The first time I remember it happening was my first trip to DisneyLand. There she was, standing next to her family. I remembered her because she had the same t-shirt that I did. I wanted to go say hi, but I lost her in the crowds of people.

The fourth or fifth time was when we went on a tramp. It was a short, one night tramp. But when we got to the hut, lo and behold, there she was. This time her face was familiar to me, and she seemed to look at me strangely too, but we both said nothing. She was apparently not staying, going on the longer tramp with her family. We said our silent goodbyes.

It was maybe the ninth time that I saw her on a high school trip to Italy. We stared in utter disbelief, but still making no acknowledgement that the other was there verbally. That time, our hair was even plaited the same way. It was incredibly unnerving for the both of us. Her school went in one direction and mine went in the other, and so we said goodbye for a few years.

She's always been there, popping up when I least expect her in different parts of my life. Maybe we were supposed to be friends. Lovers, even. But I don't even know her name.

Maybe it was fitting that I couldn't get her face out of my head that one fateful day. She was all I could see, and I couldn't focus on the road properly. I shouldn't have been driving.

My car began to spin wildly out of control along with another car I could see out of the corner of my eye. Odd, I would have remarked, if I wasn't trying to regain the ability to control my car.

And, right then, our cars collided in a fatal crash. It was her.  Of course it was her.  Who else?

Her face was the last one I saw. And I guess that was how it was always meant to be.

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