If you hear whistling, Hide.

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If you're in bed at night and hear someone whistling, hide immediately

Last night we by far the most terrifying night I've ever experienced in my life. I'm honestly surprised I'm here right now... If I hadn't listened to my instincts I would most definitely have faced a gruesome death. So please, take my advise and hide if you hear someone whistling in the middle of the night.

Last night I was super excited as this is the first 2 day weekend I've had in over 2 months. My big plans were to buy tons of snacks, set my recliner up to be own little paradise and binge watch some Netflix. I know, boring... but hey, I'm 30 years old and I've been done with the party lifestyle for a while now. Anyways after probably 5 hours straight of shoveling candy down my throat and watching my favorite shows, I decided it was time to get some sleep. It was about 2:00 a.m. and way later than I've stayed up in months.

After cleaning my mess up and shutting the t.v. off I brushed my teeth and climbed in bed. After 15 minutes or so I felt my eyes getting really heavy and I was in between that stage of being awake and asleep. That's when I heard it. A faint whistling... My ears perked up and I listened closely. It sounded like it was coming from my neighbors complex. We have very thin walls in our apartment so it's not unusual to hear him at times but never at 2 in the morning. The whistle was to the tune of silent night.

The whistle made its way from my neighbors to out in the hallway that seperated our doors. A feeling of dread washed over me and somehow I knew I needed to hide. I got up as quickly and quietly as I could and ran into my closet, closing the door all but a crack, so whoever was outside my door wouldn't hear the click of the door shutting.

"Benny?" It sounded like my neighbor, only his voice was somehow off.

What I heard next made my heart pound in my chest. My dead bolt unlocked somehow. There was no way he could've unlocked it, not from outside the door. I began to sweat and was struggling to keep my breathing under control as the most intense fear I've ever felt took over my body.

"I'm coming... Benny..." His voice changing pitch at the wrong times.

My door slowly creaked open. I heard a soft dragging sound, followed by a heavy thud with each step he took. I could hear his ragged breathing as he neared closer. Then he started whistling again, the same tune as before only now louder. I was fighting tears as he slowly crept closer and closer to my bedroom. I prayed to god to make this thing go away as I slammed my eyes shut. I knew this thing wasn't my neighbor, or even human for that matter. Everything about it felt off...

It stopped just outside my bedroom door and didn't make a sound. From where I was in the closet I could see the entrance to my bedroom door. I wish I had never opened my eyes back up, but of course... I did. At the very top left corner I saw a deformed head poking around the corner. The top of my door frame was at least 6 1/2 feet tall and this thing was hunched over. It was huge... I couldn't make out any details of its face because my lights were off. The only lighting coming from the streetlights shining through my bedroom window. I'm actually glad I couldn't see its face because I probably would've fainted out of fear.

"Benny...." It whispered.

I squeezed my eyes shut yet again as I heard it enter my room. I could smell it now and it stunk horribly of rotted death. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thougt for sure I was gonna die...

I could hear it yank the blankets off my bed as it searched for me, letting out a grunt of confusion when it realized I wasn't there. It sat still panting heavily as it must've been figuring out what to do next. Then it started slowly making its way out of my room, once again whistling. Once I heard my front door shut I finally breathed out a sigh of relief, not realising I'd been holding my breath the entire time. I listened for a few minutes before leaving the closet and as I sat there I heard another door from across the hall open.

"What the...?" My other neighbor Tommy shouted after a few minutes.

His voice was cut off before he could finish his sentence and I heard a couple of loud thuds, followed by silence. I ended up staying in my closet the whole night and woke up about an hour ago. There were police everywhere in our apartment complex as someone must've found Tommy. I haven't been questioned yet but I'm sure I will be. I can't tell them the truth. They'll think I'm a psycho and possibly suspect me of killing Tommy. I'm going to lie and tell them I was asleep and act like I have no idea what's going.

If anyone has any clue what this thing is and what I can do to make sure it doesn't cone back I'd really appreciate it. I have a feeling it will be back tonight and I'm completely terrified...

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