Chapter 3

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            He then sat back and chuckled as he shook his head.  “What a small world,” he said.  “Is this the reason why you couldn’t have dinner with me?” He looked at me…or more like checking me out.  He folded his arms across his chest as he looked me right in the eye as he waited for my reply.  Annoyance flashed through his golden-brown eyes but quickly vanished.

            I shifted my eyes around suddenly feeling uncomfortable.  “Um…” I began feeling stupid at not knowing how to answer him.  I folded my hands together fiddling with my fingers.  It seemed to grow more awkward between us the longer I took to reply.

            Heaving a sigh, Sung-Woo unfolded his arms and gave an annoyed smirk as he looked away.  Looking back at me and giving me a slight smile, he said, “I don’t see why it’s so hard for you to answer my question.”

            Meeting his gaze, I smiled and then giving a small sigh, I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the seat rest.  “Certain things…happened that required me to leave South Korea,” I said as I met his eyes.  I honestly didn’t want to give him an account of all the depressing situations that had happened.

            “So, you’re going to New York City, as well?” he said resting his elbows on the sides of the chair and tucking his hands under his chin. 


            “Then will you have dinner with me there?” he asked as a smile started to slowly part his lips.  His eyes shined with excitement, and for some reason, I could feel my heart slightly stop at this small gesture.

            I gave him a small smile and slightly looked away so he wouldn’t see the faint blush painted on my cheeks.  “We’ll see,” I answered almost in a whisper.

            “Well, think about it,” he said as his phone began to ring.  He answered it and turned onto business mode. 

            I decided to take a small nap, so I wouldn’t have to think of anything. 

            “Would you like some wine, sir?” asked a soft, female voice awakening me from my light sleep.

            Sung-Woo had his computer out on a table and was wearing a stylish black-framed glasses.  “I’ll have white wine,” he said as he looked at the flight attendant.  She handed him a tall, thin wine glass with a small amount of wine in it.  He swirled it around and took a sip.  He closed his eyes and seemed to be savoring the taste.  “I’ll take some of this,” he finally said as he looked back at her and gesturing with his wine glass.  She filled his glass up, and he took a sip again.  He seemed to notice me staring at him, because then he proceeded to ask, “Would you like some?”

            I could feel a small blush burn through my cheeks.  Before I could answer, the flight attended said matter-of-factly, “We will need to see her ID before we allow her to have any alcoholic beverage.”

            Sung-Woo looked at me expectantly.  I suddenly felt embarrassed because I wasn’t old enough to have any just yet, even though I had wine occasionally but that was usually during private social gatherings.  “Actually…I’m not of age yet,” I said looking the flight attendant in the eye and giving her one of my charming smiles.

            She blinked at me as if stunned at my answer.  I chuckled to myself at her reaction.  Sung-Woo looked at me with a surprised expression but quickly recovered.  Turning to the woman, he inquired, “Do you have sparkling wine then?”

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