Pride leads to a downfall part 2

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Recap: " Caspian"They heard a woman's voice "Put the sword down, I don't want to do this "

Bella clenched her jaw, her grip on her sword becoming harder, she nodded quickly at her husband and sister-in-law and threw the doors open.

Caspian, Miraz and his wife jumped as the King and Queens of Old barged into their quarters.

"we don't want to either! "Susan warned.Her bow and arrow were ready as she pointed to the wife of Miraz who also held a bow and arrow, changing its target between Caspian and the intruders.

Bella glared at Caspian for not following the plan and her death glare fell on Miraz who looked at the three intruders "This used to bea private room" he scanned the three intruders who held an aura of grace and authority, especially the one in the middle. At her sight, a sinister grin came upon his lips .Bella clenched her jaw her eyes that glowed in the dark room glowing. Miraz almost coward backbone fear at the power of the look in her eyes but he resisted. "So your the one, they have talked about from generation to generation,the Godess of War who defeated the White Witch " He mocked evil.

Peter gave him a murderous glare that could of turned one into ashes on the spot and he stood infront of Bella.

"Do not speak to her like that" Caspian seethed . Miraz looked between the three with a chuckle, he knew that the blonde  boy was supposedly the husband of the Goddess according to the stories. He looked at Caspian with fake disappointment "You should be ashamed "

Caspian growled and pushed the tip of his sword closer to his uncle's neck. "Caspian you should be at the gate "Peter reminded him angrily.

Bella moved from behind Peter, having a dagger in her hand instead of her sword. Hey eyes staring between Caspian and Miraz and his wife .

"No "Caspian yelled with malice in his voice. "Did you kill my father " He asked Miraz through gritted teeth. His voice filled with hatred and unbelief.

Bella's glare transformed into one of worry as she felt the extreme need to protect Caspian, she took a step forward catching the attention of the wife who sat alarmed on her bed and her target moved to Bella. Susan's grip on her bow tighten as pointed at the wife.

"Now we get to it "Miraz replied his face emotionless.

His wife's gaze moved to him in confusion, not wanting to believe  what she had just heard come out of her husband's lips. Bella was extremly annoyed as this was the first time in a battle that she didn't know what to do, it was a family situation that she also didn't have business in but the three Pevensies  still remained focus with weapons ready.

"You said he died in his sleep"She asked Miraz losing concetration.

Miraz shrugged with a evil gleam in his eyes making Caspian shake  furiously. "That was... More or less true"

The bow that his wife held lowered as her face was filled with unbelief "How could you "

Even the Pevensies themselves couldn't believe the scene before their eyes.

"The same reason I did it "Miraz raised his voice, looking at Caspian with a glared as he walked forward with a hiss as Caspians sword pierced his neck.

The wife sat up straighter focusing once again. "Stay right there "Bella demanded Miraz, she glanced at his wife and she cowered under the Warrior's stare.

"For our son "Miraz continued "the same reason reason you will let go of that arrow, unless you. Want him to be like Caspian here"

The tension in the room was rising too much it set them all on edge. Bella let an exasperated breath out, ready to make the first move. 

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