Preparation p. 2

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Recap: " You need to get ready, Peter" he told him stiffly. He was being affected by the strong atmosphere in the room. Peter nodded and not taking a single glance at Bella, he began walking away , taking Caspian with him . Caspian didn't fail to notice the deep sadness in her eyes and he wanted to walk up to her and comfort her. Bella gave him a small smile before he turned and followed Peter who had his back to him .

As the door closed , Bella broke down . "How stupid can you be" she said to herself . Bella felt like she failed , like she was the one that was ruining their marriage . She was supposed to be wise but she now thought so lowly of herself . She knew that it was her fault, but she had already done the right thing to say that she was deeply sorry, but now it was up to Peter if they would go on because he could either fully forgive her or not .

Bella sat down wrapping her hands around her head. She cried because she was scared if their love couldn't overcome this.

"Bella? " She heard Susan. Next to her was Lucy, when Bella looked up and they saw her tears, they quickly closed the door and ran to be by herself.

"Bella, whats wrong " Lucy asked and she held her hand as Susan sat on the other side of her. Both girls were relieved to see that she was now okay. When they saw her state earlier they were scared but now it seems like another problem as risen.

Bella glanced between both girls and with just that one look, it said it all. "what did that stubborn mule do now? " Susan huffed annoyed.

"Did you both get into a fight again?" Lucy sqeezed again.

Bella nodded, speaking solemnly, "He hasn't forgiven me fully, oh... It's all my fault not his ,not any of yours, I knew that I should of told him about the baby knowing you all were to leave "

The two younger Pevensies glanced at each other with sad looks. "Don't blame yourself no more Elizabella, we all make mistakes and learn from them.

"Yes, and you and Peter have a strong bond and love for each other, it can Conquer anything "

"just give him some time" Susan was rubbing Bella's left arm as Bella laid her head on her shoulder. She might be the Goddess of War. She might be fierce,brave and magnificent, but she was also a human. A human with feelings and one who makes mistakes no matter how wise.

Mistakes don't define a person. Mistakes are processes that make you grow as a person, processes that make you stronger and mold your character. That is what her mother, Queen Fabia once told her.

"I can't face him right now "Bella sniffed wiping her beautiful eyes.  "I shall go with you both to find Aslan "

"No they need you here "Lucy protested. Bella shook her head "They will do just fine without me...Peter and Edmund know what to do... This isnt the first or Second or fourth battle we have done, it's the fifth... They know what to do "

The girls sighed, nodding "well, you must get ready quick because we were about to leave "

"Five minutes " Susan told her.

Bella nodded "that's all I need. "

Susan and Lucy left Bella's room and she immediatly began getting ready. She changed into a blue dress that brought her eyes out. It was loose enough to allow her to move. She put on her armor that was exactly like Susan's. She put on her belt and her sword. Bella then looked between her daggers and bow and arrows. And as she tried to decide, a memory came to life in her head from 1,426 years ago.

King Ezekial was the best in swords and the axe, better than any one in Narnia. Queen Fabia was best in archery and daggers. Bella knew she had no interest in archery but she still wanted to learn, but it was at the bottom of her list.

" ...daggers, swords, and axe" Bella chose. Her father smiled while her mother stood confused.

" why not the bow and arrows" she asked with a smile on her fair face.

Bella turned and looked up to meet her mother's eyes. They were identical in color, bright and fierce like a precious jewel with a hint of fire but Bella's were different, they were stronger and more beautiful.

"Mum, I know how much you love archery but... They are the least interesting, but I promise I'll still learn and use then " the small beauty grinned noticing the amused face of her father. Fabia noticed and glared at her husband, who in turn, kissed her cheek. Bella smiled, she adored the way her parents loved each other with unfailing love. She hoped one day she'll find the one who will love her the same way.

A tear fell from Bella's eyes and she quickly wiped it. She learned the axe and mastered it but they were never needed. As for meeting the one that would love her like her father loved her mother, she had found him, but they were Rocky at the moment.

She picked the arrows In honor of her mother and placed them where they belonged,on her back. She could also fit her daggers in her boots but it was best not too carry too much.

Her hands ran through her hair, twisting it and pulling it until she did herself a French braid. Bella was about to leave until she randomly touched her neck. It was her locketwith a photo of her parents and hanging next to it was her wedding ring.She sighed as she wanted to unclasp it but she got a strange feeling telling her not to leave it in the how but she didn't want to lose it either. She sighed and brought it with her anyways.

After going out the door,she adjusted her belt and her distraction caused her to hit somebody's chest.

"Pardon me.... " she trailed of as she found herself before Peter her hand was on his chest and she quickly removed it at the same time that he removed his hand was from her waist.

Bella observed him. Peter was all armored and ready to go. Bella wanted to kiss him, to encourage him, to tell him to be careful but her mouth was glued shut. Peter observed her face carefully before leaving. so Bella kept on walking not looking back but Peter did as the guilt from hurting her with his words began to grow within him and it made him angry.

"About time "Caspian smiled at Bella as she joined him and her sisters-in-laws. "I brought you your horse "

"Thank you Caspian "Bella sqeezed his arm which made him smile more and he grabbed her hand leading her to her horse surprising her as he helped her up. He smirked as he saw a light blush from her.

Susan and Lucy rolled their eyes with smiles on their faces.

"I think it's time I return this to you "Caspian held up Susan's horn to her.

"keep it "Susan glanced at Bella who looked at her confuse. "you might have to call Bella again to rescue you "

Caspian looked down as he blushed deeply. Susan and Lucy snorted and Bella gave them a glare to knock it off. They grinned seeing her reaction and they galloped away.

"Stay safe Caspian,  and please... Watch Peter for me ,and sorry about that. "Bella smiled and she galloped away catching up to the girls in no time.

✔Conquering the Enemy - sequel to Victory isn't FreeWhere stories live. Discover now