Powerful Love

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"I still can't believe you cut your hair"Peter said to his lover who was in his arms. He had whisked her away from the celebration of the new king to have some alone time with his beloved Queen. And there they were, both in the garden, under the precious moon and stars as they danced together to the slow song that was heard from the celebration going on.

Bella who had her arms wrapped on either side of Peter's shoulder as her head laid on his muscular chest giggled into his chest "and why are you so surprised, darling?" she question with a small grin on her face.

Peter chuckled in return as his arms were wrapped firmly around her lower back as he held her close, resting his head on top of hers,savoring this sweet moment. "My love,because you love you hair " he stated the obvious earning another giggle from his dear wife.

Then silence fell upon them as they kept swaying left and right. As Peter drew small circles on her lower back, Bella swore she felt a bomb explode of pure bliss within her. Thats how powerful his touch was to her.

"our Love has truly overcomed so much "Peter whispered, loud enough for the words to reach Bella's ears making her lift her head to look up at meet his clear blue eyes that called to her.

Bella inhaled with a smile, taking in the sweet aroma of love and passion that seemed to surround them. "Yes, it has and we both have let our pride down... Although we are both still a little stubborn " she cheekily said moving her arms to wrap around neck, her fingers now playing with his hair.

Peter shook his head with a grin but she knew that he knew that she was right. Peter had become a better person and wiser as he once again learned alot in his second time in Narnia. But what truly kept him together was her, the woman in his arms who never escaped from his thoughts as she was a tattoo in his brain.

"I was afraid our story wouldn't go on "Bella breathed out looking up at Peter through her long eyelashes. Peter hearing those words truly made him feel like if they have escaped a nightmare because it would have been if their story had become nothing but ash. "Thank you for not giving up on me, Peter "Bella said sincerely her eyes showing emotions of love and gratefulness towards him making his heart flutter.

Peter took a deep breath as he slightly leaned down to place a warm kiss to her forehead lovinly. Bella closed her eyes liking the way his lips felt as they touched her skin. Peter then leaned his head down a little more ,grateful that Bella raised her head as he was taller and electricity ran through their veins as their noses brushed against each others. It was a feeling that they would never get tired of.

"I never gave up because I intend our story to last forever " he whispered against her lips as they brushed over the other. Those words made Bella's heart swell with happiness.

"I love you,Bella,you are my everything. "Peter said passionalty before tilting his head and connected his lips with her not giving her time to respond those special three words. Bella hummed in pleasure as she fervently kissed him back feeling one of his hands move to the crook of her neck while the other sqeezed her hip gently. They kissed in sync and perfectly in a way they knew how the other one liked it and it was the right moment as the fireworks exploded in the sky showing off their multiple colors.

The royal couple parted as they left each other breathless. Bella feeling like she was on the moon, his touch leaving her in a trance as Peter's hand glided over her the smooth skin of her cheek.
"and I love you more than anything and anyone. "Bella finally responded giving him a look and Peter laughed
Remembering how he was just to eager to kiss the love of his life and just couldn't waste another second to let her respond.

Bella laughed happily at something that Peter had said. The couple after dismissing themselves from their family, as they walked to where Caspian said they would share a room since they were a married couple.

Peter opened the door letting Bella go in first as her laughing moment had calmed down and he just stared at her in adoration as they went deeper into the room admiring its appearance as it was fit for a King and Queen.

Bella stopped laughing once she looked at the king size bed. Her breath hitched in her throat as she fiddled with her fingers.
Peter also understood her sudden silence as he walked towards the bed feeling a familiar kind of way and as he stood on the other side his eyes flickered to Bella who looked down at the bed before her own striking bright blue eyes met his own.

Centuries had past for Elizabella and only a year for Peter since they had last shared a bed. One side of her felt excited and the other scared hoping it wouldn't be their last time since being in Narnia could be unpredictable.

On the bed layed a gown for Bella and for Peter a white comfortable shirt and bottoms for him to sleep in.

Peter cleared his throat and Bella simply chuckled and he joined as he walked towards her embracing her in his arms. "I Never thought I would share a
Bed again with my wife "

Bella playfully slapped him on the back making him groan "What! is it a bad thing to say"Peter inquired, with an eyebrow raised as he looked down at Bella as he now held her small hands in his bigger ones.

Bella smirked at him as she let go one of his hands only to cup his cheek affectionately and Peter laid his hand on top of hers, his thumb running over it as their eyes locked. Their eyes were swarming with emotions and they seemed to darken as Peter took a step forward missing more than her touch. Bella bit her lower lip, butterflies flying in her Belly as Peter closed the space between them.

✔Conquering the Enemy - sequel to Victory isn't FreeWhere stories live. Discover now