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Recap: Bella walked to the door and opened it to see the four siblings and Caspian.upon seeing her slightly pink and watery eyes, they looked at her concern and Peter took a step forward but Edmund stopped him by bringing back the situation that was threatening them "you must come immediately "Edmund spoke nervously. Bella frowned and Edmund jogged quickly, Bella and the rest coming with.

Peter and Bella exchange glances, this couldn't be good.

They went outside and stood from the top of the how.  Bella stood between Peter and Caspian and her gaze hardened as she saw the Telmarines soldiers that were marching towards them. They finally stopped and Miraz, the only one with a white horse made eye contact with her, giving her a sinister smirk. Caspian and Peter seethed at this.

"Let's finish this once and for all"She hissed as the Telmarines began to set up tents and get comfy.

Peter nodded and looked at Trumpkin "Go gather the council, quickly ." Trumpkin nodded and went to follow his King's orders.

"Lucy, it's time to be valiant " Bella told Lucy who looked at her confused.

"you have a plan?"Susan asked her, knowing her well enough.

"when doesn't she have a plan."Edmund chuckled. Bella looked at him with a glint in her eye.

"let's go to the main room, we don't have much time "Bella left with the rest on her heels.

They entered the throne room and Glenstorm immediately gave Bella a paper rolled up and pen. "Thank you "

Bella unrolled the paper and laid it flat on the stone table as her family, Caspian,Glenstorm and other Narnians of the council surrounded the stone table. The big paper was a drawing of every inch of the how and woods in the back and in the front.

Peter smiled with raised eyebrows ,glancing at Bella then Back to the paper.

Bella smiled proudly "we have extremely, passionate,talented drawers,darling " referring to their people.

The planning for the battle began and Bella was proud of Caspian as he did part of the planning excellently without Peter blowing his head of. They had already formed a great friendship.
"However, a flaw still remains in this plan, and it's a big one "Bella frowned. She turned towards Lucy "this is where you come in "

"what is Lucy going to do, she can't be in the battle she's too small"Susan reminded.

"I have a bigger, more important job for her, I need you Lucy to go into the woods and find Aslan"Bella explained as Lucy took a moment to absorb her words.

"why? " Peter asked. "Because we need him more than ever, without him, this plan will fail, and Aslan will see that Lucy is searching for him in the middle of war and he won't let that be for nothing"Bella trusted in Aslan but she was also upset with him, she obeyed and trusted him but how could he have left her for centuries.

"so that is your plan then "Trumpkin spoke with unbelief, his words laced with unbelief and discomfort. "to send a little girl deep into the forest alone "

"she won't be alone "Susan intervened as she took her gaze from the dwarf to Bella. Bella nodded agreeing with her suggestion.

Trumpkin still shook his head and came closer to Lucy ,"then I am going with you " he was very fond and caring towards the Valiant Queen, especially after everything she had done for him.

"No "Lucy objected placing one of her hands on his shoulder "We need you here "

Peter sighed and Bella turned his gaze to him,to see what he wanted to say. "we need to buy them sometime, until Lucy and Susan come back." Peter insisted glancing at everyone, as his brotherly protective Instincts came out.

Bella nodded, agreeing with Peter as she looked Between her two dear sisters.

"If I may"Caspian spoke up as he stood, he looked down towards his proffesor who nodded at him.   Caspian looked at the the Kings and Queens of Old but specifically at Bella.

"of course you may "Bella encouraged as Peter wrapped an arm around her waist, his finger massaging her waist and as he also nodded at Caspian.

"Miraz as King is expected to submit to the expectations
and traditions of his people,there is one particular thing that may buy us time"He explained.

"of course" Bella catched up.

"a duel "Caspian nodded confirming her thoughts.

Peter sighed and nodded "your right" he let go of Bella And thoughtfor a moment "as High king, I'll do it "

"Absolutely not "Bella scowled at him.

Peter rolled his eyes "I know what you are thinking Bella, Goddess of War or not, there is no way I'll let you duel with him"

"Plus dear sister, it wouldn't be a fair fight, your better than all of us here alone, Miraz knows that and he won't accept dueling with you when he knows he won't stand a chance. It won't be fair. " Edmund made a good point, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Peter sighed and grabbed one of Bella's hands giving it a Squeeze,"My love, I can do this "

Bella bit Her lower lip, "fine"

"I need paper and ink to write my request "

"I volunteer to give the speech"Edmund stood.

Bella nodded "I'll go as well "

"did you not see the way Miraz looked at you!? " Peter looked at her incredously. "I won't give him the chance to have you right there and then, isn't that right Caspian " he said knowing very well that Caspian would take his side on this.

"he's right "Caspian looked at her protectively.

Susan rolled her eyes "boys...stop underestimating Bella, she can can join Edmund, she won't let him go alone "

Bella sent a thankful look to Susan "I'll bring Glenstorm and a fawn, we'll bring two bouquets of flowers as a sign that we don't mean any harm. "

"Elizabella"Peter pleaded.

"she'll be fine."Edmund reassured him that he would watch over her, although he knew Bella was stronger than anyone he knew.

"your majesty " Trumpkin called Peter with a scroll ,pen, and ink in hand.

Peter smiled ,taking it "Thank you. "

"Let's give him some space to write " Elizabella gestured everyone to leave the room.

Bella went to Peter who sat down and kissed his head before leaving. Peter smiled to himself as he began to write.

"Wait "Bella called the Pevensies and Caspian. "I don't have to tell you all what to do, your all Kings and Queens do your job as you know it ."

Susan nodded leaving to find her archers. Edmund made sure to go see that the preparations for the battle were being made like weapons and armor, while Lucy just went to hang out with Badger and the professor who was more than delighted to get to know the Valiant Queen.

Caspian remained and Bella looked at him concerned "what is wrong? "

"I'm no King yet "

Bella smiled " You don't need a crown to pronounce you as King, Caspian "

Caspian looked down and Bella tapped him on the shoulder with sympthay "have a little faith in yourself "

Caspian nodded and smiled at her, he was thankful and honored to have known and unfortunately fallen for the Goddess of War.

A. N.  Well guys how is the story so far? Good? Bad?  This book is almost over, it's upsetting? I need your opinions especially those that have supported this story from day one, meaning since the previous book, "Victory isn't free. " would you guyslike for Bella to go their world and come back with Lucy and Edmund or end the series  with an epilogue ? Please comment below and please keep supporting I really appreciate! Much love!

✔Conquering the Enemy - sequel to Victory isn't FreeWhere stories live. Discover now