There Can't be a New Beginning Without an End.

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Three days later....

Elizabella's heels clicked against the cement stairs as she descended. Her hair was curled beautifully,two strands from each side pulled back. Her dark, cherry, red lipstick stood out with porcelain complexion with her long,dark eyelashes . She wore a light grey off the shoulder dress which was very elegant on her and it matched the grey shirt that Peter had underneath his blue one. She hadn't seen Peter all morning so she thought he had gotten ready and wondered off to help Caspian or something.

Her bright blue eyes like no other skimmed the courtyard until she found whom she was called from, Aslan. "Aslan you wanted me ?" she asked with a bright smile.

Ever since the Telmarines had surrendered, she had a victorious aura around her. The Pevensies, her and their people with the help of Caspian had regained what was theirs.

After centuries,  Bella feels like she can breath again as everything was now calm and there was nothing to worry about, or so she thought as she noticed the sad expression on Aslans face.

"Walk with me dear one," he simply said as he turned and began to walk. Bella blinked, frowning wondering what had him like this but immediatly she followed after him catching up to his current slow pace.

"I have already spoken to Peter and Susan and now it is your turn" Aslan said glancing at her.

Bella raised a perfect eyebrow, questioning him. "Then what did you wanted to talk to me about?" For some unknown reason, Bella's heart beat became rapid and as she heard these words, her stomach dropped.

"Peter and Susan will no longer come back to Narnia. " he said looking at Bella.

Bella lips parted gently not understanding what he meant, "b-but what do you mean exactly,Aslan ,why wouldn't the Pevensies come back? "she said her heart stopping at the thought of them leaving and her having to stay, she couldn't live like that again.

Aslan shook his head, "No dear one, Lucy and Edmund shall return but Peter and Susan have learned everything they can, they are ready to go on and live in their own world."

Bella stopped walking to. Face Aslan making him stop as well as her beautiful fierce eyes had turned scared. "What about me, Aslan? I've suffered too much without them, I cannot live without Peter because-"

"He's your other half. I know Bella. "Aslan finished for her with a small smile. "and that is why you shall leave with them, Narnia is your home and it forever shall be,it is where you raised but you must know that your father was from the world the Pevensies come from. Besides you've been here too long enough and now it's time for a new beginning "Aslan smiled "to live a happy life with the Pevensies in their world"

Bella stood there in Schock but tears welled up in her eyes. She was joyful that she wouldn't be here alone again but she was sad as Narnia is what she had ever know. But the thought of a new beginning warmed Her heart and she desired it deeply.

"But everything must be very different, Aslan, I'll be like an outsider" Bella said not being able to take off the smile off her face as she wiped her tears.

Aslan chuckled seeing her enthusiasm, he has seen her grow, he has seen her defeated, but she always remained victorious and he was so proud of her and he knew many things she didn't, but later in her life when they see each other again, she'll find out. Bella's future was filled with mysteries. "Do not worry Bella,  for I shall be with you and I promise you that you will adapt to everything quickly. You'll be a natural "

Bella shook her head with a smile before attacking Aslan in a hug "Thank you Aslan, for everything "

Aslan chuckled as he hugged her back by raising a paw.  "Your welcome sweetheart"

Someone cleared their throat behind them, grabbing their attention. Bella stepped back from Aslan and turned around to see Peter and Caspian.

Caspian smiled as he thought she looked very beautiful,he finally learned to let her go as it was prohibited for him to even try once again. He just hoped that one day he will meet someone like her.

Peter's eyes roamed over her as her beauty never ceased to amaze him, especially the fact that she was all his. He noticed how her face glowed happily as she met his eyes as he gave her a half real, half fake smile.

"We are all ready, the people have assembled " Caspian said to Caspian and Bella, he sent a nod to them then,  before leaving.

Bella smiled at Aslan before making her way to Peter who looked down at her with a small smile "Hey, you look stunning " he said cupping her cheek.

Bella lightly blush staring into his eyes as he had wrapped around the wrist of his hand that was on her cheek,  "You look as handsome as always .....i know You Peter, you are upset about not being able to come back"

Peter sighed retreated his hand back to his side as he looked down at her "I don't want to leave you Bella not again , i won't."he said with such determination which made Bella's heart flutter.

"Peter I'm going with you "

Peter frowned with confusion, was she able to even leave? This was her home he thought. He would rather stay with her Than make her leave. "H-how? I don't understand "

Bella chuckled lowly as she grabbed one of his hands "I'm upset because Ill have to leave everything I've ever known and my people, but there is nothing i want more than to start a new adventure with you by my side" she explained to him.

Peter grinned and hugged her as his dream in this moment had become a reality. "I must warn you love, there aren't really any fun adventures in my world, you have to work to earn a living. There are rights-"

"Peter!" Bella interrupted him with a grin on her lips. "We have time for you to explain everything and all i care is being with you and the rest of your siblings"

Peter smiled lovingly at her as he sighed nodding before bringing her closer leaning his forehead against her.,giving her an Eskimo kiss,  "you know, we'll get married again since technically we wont be married there, we'll have to come up with a story of your background and i know exactly who can help with that." Peter said with a husky voice and he also thought about how professor Kirke can help with the sudden appearance of Bella.

Bella smiled as the thought of marrying Peter again sent shivers down her spine "I would love that " she said as she leaned in giving him a passionate kiss. Peter kissed back giving a squeeze to her small waist just before Bella stepped back making him pout. "My love, we have to go" Bella smirked with a giggle.

Peter playfully rolled his eyes intertwining his hand with hers as they began walking to where everyone was assembled, happy that they would remain together forever.

A.n  So YAY. Bella will be leaving with the Pevensies but there will be another twist! i was going to add much more to the chapter up to the part where they actually leave but i promised this chapter two days ago and im late, Sorry! This week has been hectic too. Please like and comment , it would mean a lot to me, anything really. Merci!!

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