The fight for Narnia Begins Once Again

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"Faster !" Bella yelled. Her horse sped up, not only hers but also the horse that Susan and Lucy were mounted on.

They were galloping through the forest , Their anxiety rising so high, it touched the sky. Their eyes looked back and forth to find any sign of Aslan. They needed him to save the day again.

"They've seen us! "Lucy yelled looking back. Susan and Bella followed her gaze and saw a good number of telmarine soldiers galloping towards them.  Susan and Bella met eyes and they nodded to each other.

Their horses stopped and they got off them. Bella quickly got her bow and arrows ready glaring at the soldiers.

" What are you two doing? "Lucy asked confused,seeing how they stopped when they were suppose to continue on to find Aslan.

" Sorry Lu, it looks like you'll be going alone after all. " Susan encouraged her with a small smile. Lucy looked at Bella and the Godess of War nodded back at her "Go find Aslan ." Susan slapped the horse and it began to run . Both Queens pointed their arrows at two different persons ready to kill.

Bella breathed in as the oncoming soldiers seem to be arriving in slow motion. They heard Lucy's horse stop and they both turned to look at Lucy look at them with worry on her face,before she ordered her horse to run again.

"Ready? " Bella asked.

"Wouldn't be standing here if I wasn't. "Susan retorted with a smirk glaring at the soldiers as well.

Bella laughed, shrugging "That's the spirit ," and she released the first arrow hitting the Telmarine straight in the head.

"Nice ." Susan commented as she released the next arrow.

They began shooting arrow after arrow but the soldiers were coming in too fast.

Bella rapidly put away her bow and arrows and took out her sword. And just as she took it out, she sliced through a soldiers side making fall to the ground.

"Bella!"Susan yelled suddenly as she pushed Bella to the ground along with herself. They both didn't have time to take on the next couple of soldiers, they were outnumbered.

Bella holding her arm glared that gain a small but painful cut from the fall glared at the soldier who pointed his sword at them. Susan leaned on a big tree log staring wide-eyed feeling defenseless as her bow was a few feet from her.

Out of nowhere, a battle cry was released to their left and the Queens and soldier's head snapped to see Prince Caspian coming to their aid.

He attacked the soldier killing him quickly as the other two came charging at him before they too got killed as well.  Bella and Susan looked at each other relieved and turned to Caspian who smiled at them.

"You sure you won't be needing that horn back? "Caspian teased.

The girls smiled before Susan gasped slightly "Bella, your arm im so sorry"

"It's just a small cut, we must go"Bella got up along with Susan.

"I'll take. your horse, go with Caspian" Susan ordered her, like actually ordered her making Bella question her why in Aslans name she had to go. With Caspian. "I want to ride alone"Susan explained. Bella rolled her eyes before grabbing Caspians arm and he helped her up. The truth was, Susan wasn't as close to Caspian as Bella was so the thought of her riding with Caspian was a bit awkward for her.

"hold on." He said before his horse began running away. Bella snaked her arms around Caspian and she bit her lips because after everything that had happened with him, it was a little awkward for her.

✔Conquering the Enemy - sequel to Victory isn't FreeWhere stories live. Discover now