what we are

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Bella entered her room and closed the behind her and punched the wall, hissing at the pain. She knew she couldn't blame Caspian because he was under Jadis's spell but still, didn't his professor teach him that black dwarves and those ugly creatures were once the witch's minions.

Her heart was saddened that Edmund had to come face to face with the woman who greatly deceived and tortured him, but she knew the deep down that he was grateful for going through what he went through because it changed him.

A loud knock interrupted her thoughts and Bella thinking it was Peter said "come in " but then she thought again Peter would just come in.

But it was Caspian who had entered and Bella stood up from her bed looking at him emotionless. "no please, sit"

"I would of told you to leave right this instant but I can't keep pushing you away "Bella sighed and sat back down on her bed.

Caspian raised his eyebrows his guilt washing away for only a moment. "And why is that?"

Bella sighed ,she felt like she wasn't doing a good job enough to guide Caspian but she knows that he has learned a lot as well from his own mistakes and hers. "Because i have to make sure that you will be a better King than those before you"

Caspian understood and once again ,guilt began to rise within him. "Then i have failed you" he looked down shamefully. In truth he did wish to be a better King, never one like his uncle Miraz. That would be an abomination to his deceased father.

Bella shook her head and patted the spot next to her. Caspian walked slowly and sat next to her. "you humbling yourself and realizing your mistakes is a must quality of a great King.We can't succeed without some kind of failure Caspian "

Caspian kept his head low as he thought this through "your very wise"

"What i'm trying to say is that you have the chance of becoming the noblest King of all time" Bella turned to look at him with stern eyes ,she and the Pevensies saved Narnia once,now it was his turn.

Caspian furrowed his eyebrows and met her eyes, the beating of his heart moving a little quicker in response. "The Telmarine who saved Narnia," Bella finished. Her naturally pink lips curled up into a smile at the expression on Caspian's face,"It's your turn to liberate Narnia,we're just here to help"

Caspian sighed and nodded and then thought to the previous situation,"Elizabella,the only reason why i trusted those Witch's minions was because they guaranteed Miraz's death and more and then until i saw the witch i told them i didn't want any of that but they forced me into into it. They wouldn't let me go. Then she put me under her spell."

Bella listened to him ,not daring to interrupt him ,then she was suddenly suspicious of something. "My husband told you to come to talk to me... I'm surprised "Thinking back to how Peter was furious that Caspian had even dared to feel something for his wife.

Caspian frowned at the word husband. Bella didn't fail to notice and she squinted her precious eyes."Caspian-"

"No Bella."Caspian buried his face into his hands. "I know it's wrong of me to interfere with your marriage with Peter but it kills me because I can't help falling in love with you.... And especially when you won't admit that you feel something for me too "

Bella's oxygen hitched in her throat, blinking several times at his discovery and especially when Caspian grabbed one of her hands between his own ,glad that she didn't pull away. "when I helped you down to my professor's library, we were very close to each other and I saw how you blushed and felt how your heart sped up. "

Bella rolled her eyes trying to hide the truth,and stood up "and so what if I feel something for you-"

"so you do "Caspian caught her off once again with hope in his eyes.

Bella turned and glared at Caspian "first of all stop interrupting me "She spoke to him with her authority as Queen which surprised Caspian "second of all I.....I do feel something for you " Caspian's deep brown eyes brightened "But it's so small"

That was still enough for Caspian. "Peter is my soulmate, the love I have for him is so deep, wide and high no human being or Narnian can fathom the amount, not even me "

Caspian sighed, he knew that he had to put a major effort to move on.

"we will never change what we are ,I care for you more as a brother ,Caspian "Bella looked up at him sadly.

Caspian nodded his expresión filled with understanding but he just couldn't capture it well enough.

Bella nodded and Grabbed his hand, giving it a Sqeeze. "Now, if you excuse me,i need to go speak with Glenstorm and his wife"

Bella let go of his hand and walked to leave the room. Bella opened the door and before she existed her room,she craned her neck back to see Caspian look at her with longing . Bella ignored it and simply gave him a small sad smile and left the room.

Bella was filled with guilt at she walked the halls of the how. She wished that particular conversation never happened between her and Caspian.She felt like she broke his heart but he has to understand that they were never meant to be together.

She knew that Glenstorm was in his room with his wife mourning, and that made her wanna die. Bella reached the door and knocked hesitantly. The door opened to reveal Glenstorm, his eyes glazed which shattered Bella's heart and her own eyes glazed as well, fresh tears wanting to fall.

"Your majesty "Glenstorm bowed his head. Bella sighed, they were like family and every second of the day he forgot that she told her that she just wanted to call her Bella.

"may I come in "Bella asked.

Glenstorm nodded and let her in closing the door and went to sit next to his wife who's eyes were pink. Bella immediatly went by her side and grabbed her two hands and the strong Queen began crying her herself.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry "She looked between them as she grabbed Glenstorm's wife hands trying to comfort her. "Please forgive me, I have failed you both as Queen and as a friend,no as a family member " because they were her other family.

Glenstorm's wife shook her head, wiping the tears of Bella "no, you have not failed us. Of course I'm broken that one of my sons didn't come out alive but I can't blame no one because my mother always taught me that no one is perfect were all in a process of becoming a better person each day and those processes are filled with lessons, you are our Queen ,we will follow you no matter what " she gave Bella a sad smile then turned to her husband who kept his gaze on Bella.

Bella licked her lips "I know how you both feel"

They both furrowed their eyebrows. Bella gulped as the wound was still fresh in her heart. "In the Golden Age, days before my family left involuntarily, I was a few weeks pregnant. The moment they left our world... I lost my baby "She sobbed at the last words, it's still killed her from the inside "She or a he, I loved my baby with everything I am"

Bella looked to Glenstorm and instantly he brought her into a hug. His wife looked at Bella with sadness and understanding. Eventhough Bella didn't know how the child would of looked like or what it was or to get to know her baby physically, they both still lost a child.

He let go of her and they looked at each other "You have come so far to think you have failed us,my ancestor Orieus a great warrior and all my other ancestors after them would think the same thing ....thank you Bella for coming ,your presence comforts us ...and I'm deeply sorry for your loss "

"Me as well" his wife looked at her with understanding.

Bella gave them a nod and got up and wiped her eyes. She was about to say something but a loud knock eruoted from the door.

Bella walked to the door and opened it to see the four siblings and Caspian.upon seeing her slighty pink and watery eyes, they looked at her concern and Peter took a step forward but Edmumd stopped him by bringing back the situation that was threatening them "you must come immediatly "Edmund spoke nervoiusly. Bella frowned and Edmund jogged quickly, Bella and the rest coming with.

Peter and Bella exchange glances, this couldn't be good.

✔Conquering the Enemy - sequel to Victory isn't FreeWhere stories live. Discover now