«"what a loser!"»

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Derry. Such a wonderful town to live in yet, a terrible place to live in. The group that all them self's the "losers club" are the bestest of friends. 

We have Stanley Uris, a honest caring nice and sarcastic little boy with noodles as his hair. He was very insecure about his hair but most people seemed to like it. He liked hanging with the "losers" but he only hated one guy out of them all  and that was Bill Denbrough, a stuttering freak most people call him. He had a stutter that was quite something to most. "Have you heard of Bill Denbrough? He's such a stuttering freak! I mean come on! Who would want to be friends with someone who stutters  like a broken radio!" A man said talking behind Bill's back. But little did he know Bill could hear everything.. All his thoughts flew through his mind but only one of them stayed. "Are you worth living...?" He always thought about this question on a daily basis. No one liked how quiet he was.. No one liked how his reddish brown hair was so gross. And most of all, no one liked his ugly ass stutter.

There was Richie Tozier, "Trashmouth" they call him. Due to his awful and annoying dick jokes that can turn someone's smile upside down. He was funny and has always believed that in fact... He was gay. Gay, gay, and gay all over again. He had his heart set on a boy who he knew would never ever be gay.

Eddie Kaspbrak, which leads to our next order of business. Eddie was a small boy and was always worried about everything. He has asthma and the smallest thing could give him a panic attack and he'd not be able to breathe. He was just known for being nice. People thought eddie was gay but he wasn't. "queer" people said to him all the time. But worse, Henry Bowers the big bad wolf in the story. Would call him much worse. He's said "Fag" and "man whore" "dick sucker" and so many weird names. It made eddie very angry but he tried to let it go.

There was Beverly Marsh, a sweet badass girl with a nice redhead. She was always trying to forget about her bullies but it was hard. They would say she was a lesbian and that she should shove her pussy in a pussy.

Ben Hanscom had a crush on Beverly. He was perfect for her and she was perfect for him. They were already getting there but they need to take it slow first. And last but not least.

Mike Hanlon, He was homeschooled but he was heading over to public school for the first time. He was worried but he feels like he's gonna do just fine. Out of everyone in the group he feels lonely. But he has ben as his best friend and count on him for things.

It was the second week of school and everyone was coming out of first period. "Hey wait up bill!" Eddie called out walking over to bill. Bill had a shocked face on and gripped onto his binders a bit tighter.

"E-eddie...?" Bill said. "Yeah it's me. Hey, i have a question." Eddie said stopping at a rusty blue metal locker. "Y-yeah whats u-up?" Bill said waiting for Eddie. "Well i just wanted some advice."

Eddie said as he moved the lock to the numbers on a piece of paper. "O-oh... On w-what...?" Bill said worried. "I like someone and i don't know how to ask." Eddie said stuffing things in his locker after slamming it hard latching itself onto the other part of the locker. "W-well...." Bill said as Eddie and him walked away from Eddies locker.

Bill stayed there in silence and thought about it for a moment. Before bill could answer the bell rang and everyone scattered and ran around to there classes. "Oh shoot. Sorry Bill see you later." Eddie said sprinting off to his next class. Bill had a hall pass so he could stay in the hall for a while. He wasn't paying attention to wear he was heading and he bumped into someone leaving his binders and him on the floor. "O-oh! I'm s-so.." Bill stopped talking and looks up. It was Stanley Uris. "Watch where your heading next time Bill." Stan said moving past him walking in a fast pase. "S-stan! W-wait!" Bill called out. "What?!" Stan said looking back. "Uh... S-sorry." Bill said with a weak smile. "Yeah whatever." Stan said as he continued to walk down the hall. Bill knew stan hated him so much, but he wanted to be his friend at least. What did Bill do to make stan hate him so much? He was caught by Henry Bowers and was suddenly knocked out by his punch. His vision was blurry and his ears were ringing. His world spinning around him. He touched his nose and felt the internal bleeding. "W-what... W..." Bill got up and started to cry a bit. "What a loser!" He called out as he left.

Thanks for reading 📖
~ Purplecil202

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