«small group»

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"and why should we always express our feeling towards each other?" Mrs.Dunn asked. "For example if kale was mad at stiles he would tell him but not full on rage at him. if something that stiles is doing bothers him then he should tell an adult." mrs.dunn said.

"oh hello william! welcome to small group come in." mrs.dunn ordered bill to sit down at the open seat next to someone named stiles. "well everyone this is william!" mrs.dunn said smiling. "h-hey..." bill said with a nervous smile. "ok so as we were talking about..." mrs dunn was trailing off in bill's mind. he would think about different things in his head like what he would do when he got home. what kinds of things he could draw. He looked around the room as his eyes stopped at someone next to him.

"pssst hey!" the guy next to him whispered. "h-hey.." bill said looking at him kind of annoyed because he ruined his day dreaming. "welcome to the small group i guess." the guy said. he remembered that the teacher said his name. "t-thanks stiles." bill said nodding. he had a chance to look around and each person who was there. he than realized stanley uris was in the group. he stared at him for a while and felt a river of vomit rising up in his mouth.

"M-..mrs.dunn?" bill asked looking nauseous. "yes?" mrs.dunn asked politely looking at bill and examining his looks. "m-may i go to the b-bathroom." bill asked looking over at stan who was looking back at him. "sure go a-." before she could even finish her sentence she got cut off. bill had ran out of the door. he ran as fast as he could to the bathroom and reached the stall and pushed it wide open. he than knelt down at the toilet and let that river flow.

bill wiped his mouth and got up, but right when he got up he felt like he had been being watched. he looked over at the sinks and saw stiles looking at him. "w-what do you w-want?" bill asked with a serious straight face.

"i wanted to see if you were ok. that look did not stamp it." stiles said putting his hands awkardly infront of himself. Bill saw his movements and his actions. stiles was infact super nervous and was also blushing a small bit. "y-yeah i'm fine no n-need to check on me." bill said as he walked over to the sink and washed his hands.

"oh ok... well i guess i'll go back than." stiles said breaking apart his hands and walked away. bill continued to wash his hands as he heard footsteps. "um.. uh one more thing." stiles said coming back. bill was now kinda annoyed. he wanted to vomit in peace.

"y-yes?" bill asked as he than turned the water off and turned to stiles. "i kinda like you." he said as he looked down. "oh but... i'm not g-gay. don't get me w-wrong your cute and a-all but i don't have a-any interest i-in you." bill said feeling ashamed that he might of broke his heart.

"i see... well thanks anyways i guess." stiles said as he walked off. "b-but wait! m-maybe we can d-date for a while s-so it can l-look like i have s-someone!" bill asked a little excited. "uhm... no thanks, i don't want to fake date it'll end and i might be sad. sorry." stiles added as he left.

bill continued to wash his hands until he went over to dry them. the bell rang and bill rushed out the door. that was the after school bell. he ran to the small group room as he bumped into stan for the second time in a row.

"I-i'm so so s-sorry." bill looked up at stan and then frowned. oh it's just him nothing to worry bout. "whatever" (whateverindeed ) stan said as he lightly pushed bill to the side and walked away.

bill looked at stan and realized. he's such a douche. he shook it off and went in to get his back pack. bill was now in a pissy mood. he doesn't know why but he is. "see you tomorrow william!" mrs.dunn yelled as bill pushed open the door. he turned the around and looked at her. "it's bill." bill said as he pushed himself out of the room.

bill was walking over to eddie who was waiting at his locker. "hey e-eddie. you s-stayed after today?" bill asked as he grabbed a book and shut his locker. "yeah i did. with richie." eddie said. he looked in the distance to see stan walking up to eddie. bill got red for a second knowing the guy he hates was coming too close to him.

he approached bill's locker and he stared at bill for a moment. bill started back but quickly continued to do what he was doing. "hey eddie you know where richie is?" stan asked politely. bill kinda liked stand voice but he didn't want to admit it.

the reason bill hated stan so much is because he doesn't like his stutter. and bill tried so hard to keep his stutter in. bill was mute for 2 years until he started to speak once he was raped.

yes bill denbrough was raped. it was in middle school eighth grade. he was raped by some douche named tanner. he was gay but no one knew that. bill was drunkish at a party and was then raped in the bedroom upstairs  of stan's house. it was stans bedroom where the incident happened.

bill was forced to come to that party because richie and eddie were invited, so they brought him with them. even though stan hated bill he came anyways. right in stan's room, he is still shocked to this day.

not only that stan also bullied him with henry bowers. till richie and eddie changed him to become good. so now he's part of there group. bill hates stan with a burning passion and if he could he would probably kill him.

thanks for reading sorry if there's mistakes i tried :(


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